Sunday, October 9, 2016

Major Big Deal!

Lilly is amazing!! I have been learning to French braid my whole life! She can do her own hair, I want her to still need me. 

Ugg This Kid

It's really hard being the mom of a little man that is just like my husband. For Christmas he wants a kayak, go cart and some sort of ramp to throw himself and his bike off of. 
Disclaimer he does have a helmet and he knows it should be on his head!  

Friday, October 7, 2016

My People

The wanted to stay up since it's fall break. That was totally fine. I went and took a bath came back to say goidnight and found them both fast asleep! 

Got My Fall On

I love cozy. The weather has been beautiful. I love the crisp of the air. We did a little fall decorating today, made stew and made some pumpkin muffins. 
I'd like to take a deep breath in and just remember every little detail of the love we had today! 
Cleaning up tonight, I realize how much I love this table. We have shared many meals here with family and friends. I love the memories it holds and the conversations and prayers that have been shared here. I love that it's nothing more than a table, but such a great venue for conversation, devotion, homework, birthdays and sweet holiday memories. There is an unseen guest that is always here, always welcome and the center of our home. I love how His presence lingers and stays throughout the years. So thankful tonight for the peace and sweetness that only God can bring. My heart, in the midst of this crazy chaotic world, is well.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

My Dates

Today Gary went shooting for a bit, so the kids and I went to breakfast and to do a little shopping. Both of them have grown right out of all their clothes! Six shirts, two pairs of jeans and two pairs of shoes and nearly three hundred dollars later they should be good through fall! 

Our Bell Jar

Our little Belle had her surgery, she was pretty mad. We just love this kitty! 

Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.