Sunday, June 29, 2014


We had so much fun playing mini golf! I love this season of our lives the kids are so much fun! They have such great personalities and are so competitive. I won, 2 shots every hole Gary still plays hockey and the kids are totally getting there. We had fun, loving and enjoying Summer! 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Map My Run, I Walk

Map my run scared me silly this morning, on my walk. Here I was in my zone of praying  and admireing The Lords beautiful work and this voice comes on and says 1.97 miles! I'm sure it was funny to people who saw me jump. I love that I can put my kids on a scooter or a bike and say let's go! Loving summer!! 
My littles waiting for me! They thought I would walk right by them! 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Weight Loss Wednesday

I have been very confused lately about the person I see staring back at me in the mirror. She is not who I expect to see. What has happened to me? It looks like the woman in the mirror ate me... the only thing I recognize is the hair and that is still the same mess it’s always been. I had a moment… It was not good, trust me there was tears and maybe some babbling, whaling and just why me sounds coming from my master bathroom… I think I needed this moment and in all honesty it did me good.

I went to my Bible, not right away but the next morning after I fell asleep praying that overnight God would miraculously change my body and just make me normal again. I started to read  one of my favorite verses I was reminded that I need to Deny myself, I flipped my bible open to Matthew 16:24 just  as I have hundreds of times, but this time I read it with new eyes. Jesus said to his disciples, “ if any of you want to be my follower, you must deny your selfish ways, take up your cross and follow me.

Let’s hear those words again “ DENY” and how about “SELFISH”. Tough words for my Monday morning. But those were words from Jesus.

 Everything that is in THIS WORLD says just the opposite. The world tells us it’s okay to eat what we want, to spend money that we don’t have , to conform to this world. This is just the opposite of what Jesus says.

With Jesus, if I want to gain I must give up and deny my selfish ways. I want to be filled and I will be because I am willing to give up the needlessness. Sugar and carbohydrates do not fill me, He does. I am willing to go the distance for my relationship with Christ. I am willing to show Him that this body He gave me I will keep a temple for Him to live in. I will conquer my cravings and redirect them to the only One who can consume me.

I want to honor the Lord in every part of my life, I want to be a great wife, mother and worship leader and this stronghold needs to go in order for my life to align where He wants it. I have decided to post every Wednesday breaking down my progress. I thought about starting another blog, but decided against it because this is part of my family life. I am not making these changes just to feel and look better. I’m making these changes to become closer, more obedient and more dependent on Christ for every moment. Those little candy bar cravings are nothing compared to Jesus.  My prayer is not just for me but Lilly and Owen. I want them to know, feel and see my dependency on Christ in those little moments that we think don’t matter. I want my kids to know that Gary and I are not superheroes that we are nothing without Him.  

I’m not exactly sure of my goal, or even how long it will take me to get there but I’d like to start by losing 65 pounds. I started this week we hiked Seven Bridges, I walk about 45 minutes on my lunch breaks and at least 1 mile when I come home from work. All soda, junk and processed foods have been eliminated from my diet. I am waiting to get a caffeine headache and have a sugar meltdown but so far so good! God is speaking to me and though it’s only been a solid week I feel strong in Christ that I can do this!





Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Social Media

I go back and forth with social media. I really enjoy reading peoples statuses and keeping up with family and friends. However I do find myself in this mode of obligation to check Facebook and obligation to participate. It’s very easy to get sucked in! I have been an avid user of Social Media to keep in touch and to spread the Word. However I am rethinking once again the healthy aspects of using an outlet such as Face Book for myself and my family. I have read posts that are inappropriate, or just way to much information. I have always been surprised at the amount of information that people are willing to share, because let’s face it how close are we really to the 578 “friends” we have on social media sites. I have decided to once again to deactivate my account. I will however check in and comment from time to time to time and will continue to share Bible verses that are important to my life. I can share scripture through my Bible app without ever accessing Face Book. If you reading this than you know we have a family blog. I like my blog and print it every year or so as a journal for our family. I am going to continue to update our lives through our BlogSpot page.  I feel in this day of needing and wanting more, less is really the way to go, I love my family and friends but have such a desire to focus on Kingdome living and my family.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Nights!

Math Reading and Writing

Every night except Wednesday and the weekends we play school. I say play school my kids say.. Really it's summer! Well learning never stops and summer slide is a real thing. The kids were doing amazing at the end of the year and I don't want them to forget all the good stuff. Lilly is working on Vocabulary, writing in cursive, multiplication and division. Owen is working on extending his sight word list, addition and subtraction. And as a family during devotion we are reading Heaven Is for Real. Side note it was raining...enough to cool things down...and Lilly felt it cool enough to wear her winter coat! :)  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Thankful For These Moments

We had a long day of hiking yesterday. We were all worn out, after our hike we came home showered grabbed a quick bit to eat and we were off to church. When we got home we decided to order a pizza and just relax. I love these moments where Lilly and Owen are content with just a simple moment. They are so special! 

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Its here! I've been waiting for this moment since September! We have tons of activities and hiking we want to do this summer! And today we started with Seven Bridges! It was stunning and so peaceful! I could have stayed admiring Gods creation all day! We are alreading planning our hike for next weekend! 


We played some frisbee the other night and it was so much fun! Out neighbors stopped by for a little bit! It was all fun until I went to take a picture and Gary got me right between the eyes! My family laughed so hard! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Allie Visit

We had a wonderful time with Allie. She is such a smart and sweet little girl! We had so much fun at the mining museum, cousin sleep over and then our trip to Kansas. Kansas was beautiful! We visited the Leavenworth area and then ventured over to Weston Missouri which is stunning! Old plantation homes huge beautiful trees! It was simply beautiful! We had a fantastic time with the Perry's and can't wait to return, it's a quick easy drive over the prairie. Can't forget to mention the amazing Korean and BBQ food! Gary and Ted had the chance to return to yestr years by catching up on some xbox while Steph and I went antique shopping! The kids had water fights and ice cream. It was a great trip and we can't wait to return. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

It's Okay to Be Angry

I believe in righteous anger and there are some serious issues happing in our world right now that make me incredibly angry. First is the persecuted church and the fact that so many of my fellow Christians and Americans have no clue that this is going on, nor do they care.  Everyday 300 people are killed for their Faith in Jesus. We are so blinded by our speck of dust lives that we can’t open our eyes to the world around us. Ignorance must truly be bliss, because all around is pure ignorance, compliancy, and a loads of self-centeredness. Second is the fact that we have a president of the greatest country in the world ignoring laws and negotiating with terrorist. Let’s take an honest look at Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, he was not “captured” by the enemy in 2009. This man simply walked away from his post leaving his weapon. Several brave U.S. Army Soldiers lost their lives searching for this traitor. And our president, thanks our honest fallen by negotiating with the enemy.  I pray that our military will not be swayed by our liberal media and conduct and pursue an honest investigation.  Third is the fact that we as a nation glorify sin. Our country, The United States of America was once a great nation as far as morality was concerned. I’m saddened that now, morality is a thing of the past with the exception of small pockets of righteousness. We are a country that has followed other fallen, heathen nations in sin because it’s the easy wide road. Homosexuality was unheard of except in rare instances. Abortion and single parenting were non-existent. Gambling, sexual promiscuity, divorce, seductive clothing, gutter language, drunkenness, inappropriate movies and television have all become the norm. Letting our children listen and watch movies, TV, and radio with unhealthy viewing and language is not only acceptable by most of society but seems to be the norm. I have had enough of the darkness. I have had enough of the glamorizing of the ugly, horrible, repulsive and soul damning sin. Before you think I’m on some high horse let me make it very clear that I am a sinner. I have the body to prove it. I am not fat because I eat healthy God given food, no I am fat because I choose to think my taste buds are bigger that my God. I choose to give into my gluttony instead of practice patience and self-control. Enough is enough and it’s time for believers, including myself to make a serious stand. Time for each of us to make major changes in our lives and if those changes make you feel uncomfortable, remember how uncomfortable Jesus was on the cross. We have been given an invitation to follow Christ, we as a world, nation, state, city, church, and family have a choice to continue into the dark or choose Righteousness. It’s time to align with Christ and take up our own cross. It’s time to turn off mindless TV and other hindering activities and be incredibly conscience of the invisible war surrounding us that is vying for our soul. I’m begging my readers, my family and friends to open your Bible, find a biblical church and turn your eyes and prayers toward Jesus, do it for your kids. Enough of the self-centeredness, selfish small worlds we call our own and stand up for the broken, the fatherless, and the helpless. We are called to be world changers, our children are called to be world changers. Tell your family, children, friends, and world before it's too late. In the end there are going to be many people who cry out Lord, Lord. And in one terrifying moment He will say, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.

I believe that righteous anger is necessary to keep our eyes off of ourselves and our failing temporary world and to keep our eyes focused on Christ. Finding his Grace and His Glory is so rewarding, we have an obligation to serve and honor Him. We have an obligation to turn away from the acceptable nature of the world and Follow The only One Who’s Word truly matters. Praying tonight for the coming of Christ.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

My Heart Is Full

We are loving this time with Allie! We had a BBQ today and the kids played in the pool. They are so tired :) 
Ending the day hunting!! 

Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.