believe in righteous anger and there are some serious issues happing in our
world right now that make me incredibly angry. First is the persecuted church
and the fact that so many of my fellow Christians and Americans have no clue
that this is going on, nor do they care. Everyday 300 people are killed
for their Faith in Jesus. We are so blinded by our speck of dust lives that we
can’t open our eyes to the world around us. Ignorance must truly be bliss,
because all around is pure ignorance, compliancy, and a loads of
self-centeredness. Second is the fact that we have a president of the greatest
country in the world ignoring laws and negotiating with terrorist. Let’s take
an honest look at Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, he was not “captured” by the enemy in
2009. This man simply walked away from his post leaving his weapon. Several
brave U.S. Army Soldiers lost their lives searching for this traitor. And our
president, thanks our honest fallen by negotiating with the enemy. I pray
that our military will not be swayed by our liberal media and conduct and
pursue an honest investigation. Third is the fact that we as a nation glorify
sin. Our country, The United States of America was once a great nation as far as morality
was concerned. I’m saddened that now, morality is a thing of the past with the
exception of small pockets of righteousness. We are a country that has followed
other fallen, heathen nations in sin because it’s the easy wide road. Homosexuality was
unheard of except in rare instances. Abortion and single parenting were
non-existent. Gambling, sexual promiscuity, divorce, seductive clothing, gutter
language, drunkenness, inappropriate movies and television have all become the norm.
Letting our children listen and watch movies, TV, and radio with unhealthy viewing
and language is not only acceptable by most of society but seems to be the
norm. I have had enough of the darkness. I have had enough of the glamorizing
of the ugly, horrible, repulsive and soul damning sin. Before you think I’m on
some high horse let me make it very clear that I am a sinner. I have the body
to prove it. I am not fat because I eat healthy God given food, no I am fat
because I choose to think my taste buds are bigger that my God. I choose to give
into my gluttony instead of practice patience and self-control. Enough is
enough and it’s time for believers, including myself to make a serious stand.
Time for each of us to make major changes in our lives and if those changes
make you feel uncomfortable, remember how uncomfortable Jesus was on the cross.
We have been given an invitation to follow Christ, we as a world, nation,
state, city, church, and family have a choice to continue into the dark or
choose Righteousness. It’s time to align with Christ and take up our own cross.
It’s time to turn off mindless TV and other hindering activities and be incredibly
conscience of the invisible war surrounding us that is vying for our soul. I’m
begging my readers, my family and friends to open your Bible, find a biblical church
and turn your eyes and prayers toward Jesus, do it for your kids. Enough of the
self-centeredness, selfish small worlds we call our own and stand up for the broken,
the fatherless, and the helpless. We are called to be world changers, our
children are called to be world changers. Tell your family, children, friends,
and world before it's too late. In the end there are going to be many people who
cry out Lord, Lord. And in one terrifying moment He will say, I never knew you;
depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.
believe that righteous anger is necessary to keep our eyes off of ourselves and
our failing temporary world and to keep our eyes focused on Christ. Finding his Grace
and His Glory is so rewarding, we have an obligation to serve and honor Him. We
have an obligation to turn away from the acceptable nature of the world and
Follow The only One Who’s Word truly matters. Praying tonight for the coming of Christ.
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