Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Pretty

Nine years ago today Gary and I were blessed with a beautiful pink little baby doll! Lilly Grace has taught Gary and I more than we could ever imagine. Her heart is beautiful and full of Christ. We are so proud of the young lady she is becoming. We love to watch her passionately pursue Christ, worship and pray. She is a gift that ultimately belongs to God and we are so thankful He chose us to be her parents! 
Love you Pretty!! 


Vacuuming is a Lilly and Owen chore. Too much giggling today during chore time! The ding dongs were vacuuming their lips and hair, that's until I reminded them what gets sucked up! :) 
I'm a good mom! LOL! 
These two make me laugh so much! 

Tilly Dog

My parents are on their fifth trip to see Teddy and Stephanie and we have a guest! Tilly likes our house, tonight she had a meatball! 

Love This City

I have always been very proud of my dad for his service in the Air Force. I have many memories of playing at the Flightline watching all the jets. F16's have a very special place in my heart. It was a lot of fun to take the kids on a picnic today. I told them nothing about the Thunderbirds! I wish I had gotten a picture of Owens face when they flew over. 
Air Force Brat Forever!!

Kick Butt!

Okay this is my blog so I'm gunna feel free to brag! Gary and I make an awesome team, we always have. However we have two little people who make our team even more awesome! Our family kicked some seriouse butt over the long weekend. We deep cleaned our house, so feel free to stop by! We painted and rearranged two bedrooms and completely set up our yard for summer! We even took a day to visit Old Colorado City for Territory Days! T

Thursday, May 22, 2014

We Have A 4th and 1st Grader!

Well my sweet littles made it, another school year has come and gone! Gary and I adore and love and are SO SO PROUD of Lilly and Owen. These are two amazing kids. We are so proud of the accomplishments that they have both made this year. Lilly and Owen were both Bobcat Ambassadors to their school a prestigious award that rarely is awarded to a sister and brother duo! They received several gift certificates to Texas Road House, Skate City, Mini Golf, and tickets to a Sky Sox Game. They also received homework passes that they can use any time while attending Springs Ranch, lots of Springs Ranch trinkets and a special pizza lunch with  Mrs. Marrioti the school Principal. Lilly and Owen both have won several academic awards this year including Math, Science, Social Studies, PE and Music.  Lilly and Owen made amazing leaps and bounds academically this year. Lilly is reading and writing better than ever and is above grade level in Math and Science. Lilly was also a leader in her grade level as a representative to the Fuel Up to Play 60 program. Owen went into school not reading well or writing and has become proficient in both areas and is above grade level in Math.

Our year does not stop at school as both the kiddos were heavily involved in serving in church. Both kids are more than willing to serve others…just not clean their rooms…still working on that! But at church they love to greet new kids and help in any way that they can. We are so thankful for who they are becoming in Christ and praise The Lord every chance we get to thank Him for the blessings that are our Children.

We are blessed with lots of help in raising our babies. My parents have been amazing at taking the kids to school, helping with homework and always going to school performances, and special events. We were blessed beyond with amazing teachers. Mr. Hepperlie was pretty insane and brought a little blond haired blue eyed little girl out of her shell and showed her school could be fun. Mrs. Hemmingway is brilliant and a saint. She recognized things in Owen that we did not and we are forever grateful for her talents. And last but not least is our amazing and I truly mean amazing Children’s Pastors, staff and faithful servants at Radiant Church. They teach the most amazing truth to our kids, they make the Bible come alive and we are forever thankful and grateful.  

We Have A 4th and 1st Grader!

Well my sweet littles made it, another school year has come and gone! Gary and I adore and love and are SO SO PROUD of Lilly and Owen. These are two amazing kids. We are so proud of the accomplishments that they have both made this year. Lilly and Owen were both Bobcat Ambassadors to their school a prestigious award that rarely is awarded to a sister and brother duo! They received several gift certificates to Texas Road House, Skate City, Mini Golf, and tickets to a Sky Sox Game. They also received homework passes that they can use any time while attending Springs Ranch, lots of Springs Ranch trinkets and a special pizza lunch with  Mrs. Marrioti the school Principal. Lilly and Owen both have won several academic awards this year including Math, Science, Social Studies, PE and Music.  Lilly and Owen made amazing leaps and bounds academically this year. Lilly is reading and writing better than ever and is above grade level in Math and Science. Lilly was also a leader in her grade level as a representative to the Fuel Up to Play 60 program. Owen went into school not reading well or writing and has become proficient in both areas and is above grade level in Math.

Our year does not stop at school as both the kiddos were heavily involved in serving in church. Both kids are more than willing to serve others…just not clean their rooms…still working on that! But at church they love to greet new kids and help in any way that they can. We are so thankful for who they are becoming in Christ and praise The Lord every chance we get to thank Him for the blessings that are our Children.

We are blessed with lots of help in raising our babies. My parents have been amazing at taking the kids to school, helping with homework and always going to school performances, and special events. We were blessed beyond with amazing teachers. Mr. Hepperlie was pretty insane and brought a little blond haired blue eyed little girl out of her shell and showed her school could be fun. Mrs. Hemmingway is brilliant and a saint. She recognized things in Owen that we did not and we are forever grateful for her talents. And last but not least is our amazing and I truly mean amazing Children’s Pastors, staff and faithful servants at Radiant Church. They teach the most amazing truth to our kids, they make the Bible come alive and we are forever thankful and grateful.  

Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.