Saturday, January 3, 2015

From My Journal

I love Christmas time, and what the season brings. I love celebrating Christ in church and with my family. I love the sappy Hallmark movies, peppermint mocha’s and hot chocolate. I love silly  games and staying up late driving around town looking at lights and freezing at the zoo after our special dinner out. I love Christmas rehearsals and programs in church, parties and mother daughter tea. I love shopping with my each of my kids and sneaking around shopping with my husband. I love baking with and decorating with my kids and special one on one time with each of them. I love our Christmas devotion and the coziness of our home and church. I love the food and the special candy. I love the hyper giggles of excitement of my kids and the tired worn out feeling we feel at the very end of it all. I love Christ and all He brings this time of year.

I must admit when I woke up this morning I wanted to cry. It was 4:15 am cold and dark and it was all over. All the fun was over and I was headed back to the basement to workout, make dinner, pack lunches, fix my hair and makeup and off to work. I wanted so badly to crawl back into bed and just go to sleep with my little family who is still enjoying time off. When I walked into my office this morning I was feeling sorry for myself. I had forgotten I had left myself a little note in my e-mail. I knew on December 19th  I would feel this way today, sorry for myself that the season was over and I was back to a routine. I intentionally left myself a little pick me up note in my inbox it read, Proverbs 15:13 A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. I couldn’t  help but laugh at myself and  put a smile on my face!

God is so good and priceless no matter what time or season it is. I can’t ever forget this.  My heart rejoices in the fact that I am a daughter of the King and he loves me and my family. Today it’s snowing and I have the most beautiful view from my office window. I am thankful that my kiddos get to spend the day with my parents and just relax.  I am blessed and happy for such wonderful memories of Christmas that I can carry the feeling of love and cozy into the entire year, because I am loved and saved by Grace. God has so much in store for my little world and I don’t ever want to hinder His plans. This weekend I am singing once again to my Savior, something I treasure and look forward to doing all year long. Lilly and Owen have many sporting events and concerts that we are looking forward to celebrating,  and how could I forget that big old trip to Florida in May! I will rejoice in His love and gifts every day no matter the time of the year. He is special and celebrating Him every minute of every day is a tradition I want to keep going throughout our year!

We started our New Year off at home just the four of us and it was a sweet night of games and more food! Oh how I'm looking forward to fasting next week! We are blessed and looking forward to a new year serving our God. 



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Spring Break

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