Monday, December 8, 2008

Hello Everyone,

We are in full Christmas mode here at the Haynes house. This is the first year Lilly has figured out that she can ask Santa for something. She wants a My Little Pony play set and scotch tape! She is so funny! Owen, according to Lilly wants a Crayola thing! We shall see what Santa brings. During the rush of the season we try very hard to instill the meaning of Christmas in all we do. The birth of Christ is the center of our holiday. Lilly and Owen both know that Christmas is Jesus birthday and that Jesus loves us so much he gives us Santa to bring us joy.

This year will be extra special, Teddy is home from Iraq. Last year was hard knowing he was away but harder knowing he was more than likely unsafe. We continue to remember and pray for our troops and the families of deployed solders. Our freedoms and customs that we so enjoy are protected daily by these brave men and women. Please remember our troops and their families, this special time of year!


  1. Emily loves asking Santa for things for Rachel too! Although she is still pouting over not getting the baby brother she asked for last year. :)

  2. I know this will come as a shock to you, but Morgan wants stuffed animals from Santa!!! And Stephanie wants money!!! They are so funny!!!


Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.