Ever have one of those days? Today was one of those days and tomorrow I have an early morning meeting. In which I forgot to tell my mom until just now and I think she is not impressed with me. However I have been cleaning up liquid laundry detergent up off the laundry room floor all day, so I did have an excuse. Lilly and Owen are to blame for the spill, apparently they were playing BP... This spill was everywhere all over the carpet under the washer and dryer, and to make matters worse they pretend to be the Army Core of Engineers and place dog food all over the place to stop it from spreading. I tell you I believe everything happens for a reason but today seemed so unnecessary. I know that one day I am going to look back and laugh right? Oh you ask what the hec was I doing during the spillage??? That would be the bathroom. I think I was in there getting dressed, hair, the norm for like fifteen minutes. Tomorrow is another day and all in all I am thankful for the little inconveniences that life throws at me, oh and Lilly and Owen big trouble, no outside, no Curious George and bed early!