However in the midst of this fast I have learned that as much as I want I am not omnipresent. And I am very glad at that. For months I have been all over the place. I have been working two part time jobs that seem to take more time than one full time job, I have been serving on the worship team, trying to keep my pre-school team together, I have tried several time to have coffee with friends and spend time with family at no avail. On top of all this keeping my commitment to spending time with God and of course being a wife and mother. Phew makes me tired just thinking about my weeks. I wake at like 6:30am and never seem to go to bed until 11:30. I just can't do it any more, not to mention I am sick all the time. God did not design me for this kind of rushing and trying to please people. He designed me to be a wife, mother, daughter,daughter in law, sister, friend and worship leader.

Tomorrow it all changes. I can't lie somewhere in this I feel a little sad. I feel like I am giving up control of my life..........This is something I should have done a long time ago, Tomorrow I begin working one full time job. One full time job that will allow me to work the same hours my babies are in school. Sadly I am letting go of my position at church. This does break my heart, but the timing was just off. God's timing is so much better than mine and I trust His decisions. I am going to continue to sing and worship my beloved Jesus. There will always be time for Jesus. And my wonderful family has always been my top priority I know that everything I have worked so hard for was for them. My intentions were honest and good, God just knows better than I do. I can't wait to see how things go from here on out. Jesus is in control and I have become a super quite back seat driver.
Love you guys, and thanks to all my family and friends for your prayers. God is so good, and my heart trusts in Him!
Love Jen
i must admit i admire your commitment. I love my jesus, but i also love my housewives at the end of a hard days work. :) So wonderful that you are listening to your hearts calling! Best of luck to you in the new transitions!