Wednesday, May 31, 2017
This Man
I love this man! He is truly amazing. He never complains he works so hard and loves the kids and I so much. He builds amazing things and can fix anything. I'm a proud wifey. Tonight I'm praying for a miracle, his jeep may just be gone this time, for reals...
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Happy Birthday Lilly
It's hard to believe that Lilly is a 12 year old! She is beautiful inside and out with sass and some naughty. I love how she loves Jesus and is learning to truly hear the Holy Spirit. I love her heart for animals and how she questions people and can think for herself. I love how she will not go along with the crowd and questions the robotics of life. I'm a proud momma of a thinker and lover of the Lord! Lilly never wants a party just a fishing trip and Grampys BBQ. She did have one little request and that was a second ear piercing and a cake to share with her Grampy.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Not Wednesday
Sometimes I look back at the young 20 something me and can't help but think how cute and hot I was back then LOL!! No wonder Gary fell in love with me. I was hot, AND had sparkling personality...Not mention my long blond hair and the fact I could really sing and dance way back in the day. I would love to relive some of that.
Those days are gone, except I've kept my personality :)! Since being diagnosed several years ago with thyroid issues weight has been awful to manage. In fact I hate it. For the last couple of weeks I have been very intentional about what I eat and working out and I've lost six glorious pounds. Just six, but it's coming off. So I'll just keep plugging along. Any who, there is my weight loss update. Something that I'm learning during this journey, is that it's okay to pray for me. I pray for everyone else, their weaknesses, life problems and journeys. When it comes to me I tend to think that God will just take care of everything. I have not felt well lately and my stomach is in it's own world. Sunday around 2am I was sick, my stomach was in pure pain. I could not sleep and there was no position that brought me any relief. I thought for sure I was going to have to call in thinking there was no possible way I could lead worship. Somehow around 4 I made my way to the shower to get myself going praying all the way. I made it to church, really not saying much to anyone about how I felt. I did mention that I was sick to my friend and that morning he prayed for me. As he prayed for me I felt God say to me just receive prayers. It's okay to receive prayer, it's not selfish something I'm really learning. The Bible teaches us that we have not because we don't ask. So now I'm asking for healthy skinny prayers! :) After receiving prayer I truly felt better. Before the first service started the pain was nearly gone. God is asking me once again to trust Him fully. He wants my heart, my brain and every single part of my life to manage. One day I'll be at the feet of my Jesus. I want to know that in this life that I truly trusted Him in every aspect. I truly love His presence and the people He sends as reminders to surrender to Him. I'm so thankful for life journeys to Heaven!
Sunday, May 28, 2017
A very sweet young lady from our church graduated and had a great little party. I did not get any pictures of Braleigh but I got a picture of Lilly, Owen and Levi. And here's where the subject changes. I brag on my kids. They are awesome. The know and love Jesus, they get amazing grades, for the most part they are very respectful and loving. However, when they get together with other kids they become really strange. They do really dumb things. After that little party and hanging out with Levi they both need a tee shirt that says, "Wooden Spoon Survivor."
After freezing at the Sky Sox game and not getting home until after 11pm we thought it would be a good idea to wake up at 5am and go fishing. I'm always up to go camping or fishing. I love the freedom that God has given us to just get out and go. This earth is so beautiful and I enjoy every moment of beauty I can get. We cooked breakfast and just had a great morning!
Success, tired people!
Sky Sox
We started our Summer off with a Sky Sox game. Gary's boss gave him tickets and they were the best seats in the stadium, right behind home plate. We froze but had a fantastic time!
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Quiet Coffee
Friday's are technically my day off but I had some work things that needed to be done this week. Instead of working from home I drove to my favorite little mountain cafe. This was my last Friday alone until fall! I'm really looking forward to summer adventures with my kids!
Friday, May 19, 2017
After Church Lunch
We ran into our friends Bill, Kristen, Liam and Alex after church so we had lunch together. The boys are just as cute and sweet as can be. Alex the younger of the two thinks Lilly is his little friend. She thinks he is hilarious!
My View
Sometimes I run faster to the top of the hill, knowing my reward is this view. God had painted with colors that only He can create. I hope I never lose the wonder of everything He has made.
Last Band Concert
Lilly had her last band concert. This one was at the high school in our district zone. I was seriously impressed. Lilly has done a great job.
Mothers Day
We celebrated Mothers Day at church. I'm so thankful that God made me a mom. There for a while I was not sure if that would happen or even if I wanted that to happen. God has perfect timing and our lives are pretty amazing.
We love little day trips. We drove to Salida Colorado to relax for the day. I love our sweet conversations we have in the car and how we laugh and make memories. I pray our kids realize how much we love and adore them.
Summer Prequel
I adore my Fridays off with Lilly and Owen. I'm really looking forward to making new memories this summer. The kids just happened to have a Friday off so we hiking around Garden of the Gods
. It's was beautiful.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Pure Worship
Pure worship is one of the most glorious sounds. That sweet sound that only a hearts connected to God will recognize. Sometimes, Thursdays are my long day at the church. I typically go in much later but will often be at the church until 8pm or so. Yesterday was a different day in the sense I did not have to rehearse but I forgot to do something so I ended up staying much later than I intended. Thankfully my husband and kids are amazing without me and do their own thing which is sweet and lovely in itself. Working alone in a massive building sometimes you hear strange noise, conversation and lots of song. Working away in my little office I hear the singing of a good friend of mine. Not a rehearsal or a corporate worship service, no lights, camera just sweet worship that only could be for God. So as I sat still and quietly in my little office listening, pretending not be heard or seen the tears just flowed from my eyes. I love and live for those moments of pure worship where God reveals himself and cleanses us. Several months ago I had a vision and the wonderful person who was singing was in my vision. So many of us have waited and longed for the Glory of God to fall on us at Radiant Church. And what I heard from God the day I had the vision was that His glory will fall and that we get to be apart of it, especially this person who is so valuable to our staff. Im thankful for worship, that God allows us to praise Him and sing to Him. It’s a gift I will never take for granted and Im thankful to know, love and do life with passionate real people who will lift their voices with the breath in their lungs that only God can give. All glory to our God, so thankful.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Lilly Spring Concert
Lilly had her spring band concert tonight. I'm amazed at how well these kids play. We sat on the side where we could see Lilly. However her stand was covering her face and then she is little so when they were standing all the giant kids covered her up. Lol! I did tell her being short has a lot of benefits. She can wear heels anytime!
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Spring Break
I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.
I am not a fan of pictures of me. I am very uncomfortable facing the reality of what I look like. I have been on this weight loss journey fo...
For those of you that don't know me let me just introduce myself. Hi my name is Jen and I hate winter.
Voting as Christians Gary and I strongly believe it is our duty being dual citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven as well as The United State of...