Saturday, August 5, 2017


I love leading worship. I'll never be able to speak or write in words how God has spoken to me while praising Him. I am truly happiest while worshipping Jesus, and spend a lot of time in worship in the kitchen! Wednesday night was a night I'll never forget. I was so thankful and blessed to be apart of such a powerful time of prayer and worship. I sang my heart away, I left that platform purely exhausted and then the next day had a huge Holy Spirit hangover and very little voice. I have never heard so many people come forward with testimonies after a service. What made this Fusion Service so special is that not only was our church family bonded together but all radiant families were bonded together. There is nothing more powerful than a family praying for kids. Our kids are so important and precious it was just incredible to share that moment of being lead by the Holy Spirit with Lilly and Owen. Gary and I can't live Lilly and Owens lives for them but we can pray and lead them in the way that they should go. We are praying that the kids never forget God and that they kling to the narrow road, leaving the world behind. I'll never forget that night. 

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Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.