During the last several days of prayer and fasting, I have felt a longing and urgency to be alone in my secret places. Where I am called to worship and praise Him. Those secret places where the busy of the day fades away, and my heart and soul can be consumed and refreshed in His presence. Where I can quietly respond to the magnitude of God. The secret places where I am fully aware of His “invisible qualities.” Psalm 42:2 says exactly what my heart sings and cries, “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?”
So many people ask the question, where is God? My heart knows exactly where He is. God is all around, He is everywhere and He is longing for a relationship, a commitment from each of us. For His children to come to Him in full desperation and dependency. Jesus has given us a special invitation. An invitation made for every person on this earth. There is nothing exclusive about His invitation. It’s not for the elite, it’s not for the perfect, it’s not for the successful. His invitation is for us, the sinner, the lost, the hopeless. Jesus made it clear in Matthew chapter 9 that His invitation was for everyone when He called a tax collector to simply “Follow Me.” Jesus came for the sinner, the imperfect. Jesus came to invite those who are far from God to bring them to experience God’s love by following Him. He longs for a relationship with us, and whether we know it or not our souls thirst for God!
During these next several days of prayer and fasting, I’m praying for my family, friends and church family. I want to encourage each of you to find your secret place, whether it be your prayer closet, or like me… among the trees. Commit yourself to moments of quiet prayer and intense focus and worship on your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Listen for His still small voice, His invitation. Create space and time to reflect on what you are longing for. Develop a deep love and intimate relationship with your Lord. I pray the sweet invitation of eternal love echoes over and over and you answer the simple call to follow.

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