Thursday, April 2, 2009

How Much Trouble Can A Little Man Get Into While Sleeping?

What a day! Poor Owen had not been feeling well, or so I thought. I put him down for a nap around one thirty. Lilly and I stayed upstairs reading some stories just to ensure our little man was asleep. We opened his door about two and he WAS OUT! We went downstairs to make cookies and about a half an hour later the house started to smell really good, and I had not started baking yet. I and Lilly went up to check on Owen who was standing on his bed with a new bottle of baby powder just shaking the heck out of it! To make things worse I had is fan on and everything was covered. Keep in mind his bedspread is bright primary colors. I tell you some jobs are even to big for the Dyson! PRAY for me! Love Jenny


  1. oh my goodness! Owen is so cute -- hope you were able to get all the powder cleaned up, at least your upstairs smells good for awhile :)

  2. Hahaha I love it!!! Owen I love you! ;-) Auntie Sarah is so proud of you! Keeping Mommy on your toes! That is what we have talked about. hehe. This is the best. What a great picture of him! :-)

  3. Been there, only Rachel prefers nail polish. :)


Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.