Thursday, March 29, 2012

11 Things All About Me Questions from Gloria! Go Ahead and consider this your Tag!

1. What are you most passionate about? Being a lover of Christ, wife, mother and worship leader. I think these are my greatest callings and in this season it's pretty much all-consuming. I want to grow and be better at all of it daily.

2. What was your first concert? I saw New Kids on the Block in 5th grade. My poor dad and my friend Sarah Leitte stood in line for hours in the freezing cold! Totally worth it!

3. What is your biggest fear? That something terrible would happen to someone in my family. But, I'm not a worrier and I really try not to even think about the possibility.

4. Paper or Plastic? Plastic. I reuse them for lots of stuff. I usually try to remember my own bags though. I love that they hold so much stuff - fewer trips to unload the car!

5. If you could be any one character from a movie or TV, who would you be? I think I'd like to be Ell from Legally Blond!

6. Which reality show best describes you? This is hard - maybe the home makeover shows. I'd really like to spend more time redecorating and organizing our home.

7. Why did you start blogging? We have family and friends scattered so this was a great way to keep up with everyone and their growing families.

8. If you could do whatever you wanted for a whole 24 hours, what would you do? Sing! I kid you not! I would have a worship fest with my friends from church and all our family's and friends!

9. Where did you take your best or worst vacation? Best vacation - Disney World and Coco Beach. I don't have a worst vacation!

10. What is your favorite piece of technology? My iPhone, hands down. That thing is pure awesome!

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Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.