Voting as Christians
Gary and I strongly believe it is our duty being dual citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven as well as The United State of America that we vote and vote according to Christian principles. God is most certainly in control, but that does not mean that we will sit back and not vote to move forward with the kingdom of God and His will. As Christians, Gary and I have been commanded to pray for our leaders, 1 Timothy 2:1-4 says First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. When it comes to politics and leadership the Bible also tells us that God has been upset, or rather angry with our choices of leaders. Hosea 8:4 says they made kings but not thru me. The evidence of sin in our world is everywhere, our homes, schools, workplaces and churches. Gary and I both believe that the suffering here on earth is because of the godless leadership we as voters have chosen with out consenting our Lord. Proverbs 28:12 says when the righteous triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked rise, people hide themselves. The Bible gives us many instructions to obey legitimate authority unless it contradicts the commands of the Lord. Acts 5:27-27 says and when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, 28 saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” Also Romans 13:1-7 tells us Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed and those who resist. Gary and I as born again believers strive and pray we are choosing leaders who will be themselves led by our God. Any political candidate that is in favor of violating the Bibles commands for life, family marriage or our Faith should never be supported by us or any Christian. Proverbs 14-34 says Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Gary and I pray very faithfully for our President, local government leaders Teachers and Pastors. This is a very serious time in our lives and our vote counts. We would never cling to anything for our nation other than the Cross. Our hearts are well aware that our faith does not ride on Air Force One or serve in the Oval Office rather reigns as All Mighty God Who governs from Heaven.
Gary and I are happy very blessed people who love to joke and kid regularly but we have a very serious side. Gary and I are incredibly fearful of the currant state of our country. We beg our family and friends to check yourselves and your voting practices against the only word that is God breathed. Is your voting habits standing in line with your passion for Christ or are you just like Judas turning you back on Jesus voting for what is popular amongst a non educated population. Being a Christian is not easy; never in the bible did God say His way was easy? Rather The Lord Jesus compares following Him to entering by the narrow gate. For the gate that is wide and the way that is easy leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
God Bless,
Gary and Jennifer Haynes
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
My Beautiful Little Man
My sweet little man Owen, turned five years old today. He is such a sweet and innocent light. He will all ways be my baby and Sunday sleeping buddy. I love the brave in his heart and his willingness to pray and teach other about God! Gary and I could not have asked for a more perfect little guy. We know the Lord has many wonderful adventures in store for Owen. Happy birthday little man!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Special Day With The Kids!
We had a great day with the kids! We did lunch and saw The Odd Life Of Timothy Green. It was a very sweet movie! Finished the evening with a run through the fountains.
Broncos Game
Gary and I had such a great time at the Denver game. They did a great job honoring the troops and we had a moment of silence along with many of the Arora shooting victims. There was also a fantastc presentation of colors as well as a tribute to the Colorado fire fighters.
Mile High is a beautiful stadium and I tell you hockey fans got nothing on football fans. There was also a ton of talk about Tebow! Denver really missed him. Gary and I can't wait to take the kids.
Mile High is a beautiful stadium and I tell you hockey fans got nothing on football fans. There was also a ton of talk about Tebow! Denver really missed him. Gary and I can't wait to take the kids.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Love My Pook
I had to open my center this morning. I got a phone call at 7:30 from Gary saying to open the back door!!! Yay love him!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Parent Night at School
Gary and I love this school! We have had great luck with the teachers. Our new teacher is really passionate about the kids and learning. She has a sweet personality. Lilly just loves her and I can't wait to volunteer in class!
One of my favorite things about parent night is that we get to see things without the kids. It's really to see the notes and projects that they do during the day.
One of my favorite things about parent night is that we get to see things without the kids. It's really to see the notes and projects that they do during the day.
Thoughts By Owen
Owen: mommy when we're you made?
Me: Sometime in 1977
Owen: where is your story in the bible?
I laughed so hard I all most had to pull off the side of the road.
Me: Sometime in 1977
Owen: where is your story in the bible?
I laughed so hard I all most had to pull off the side of the road.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
After School Mommy Time
Surprised my little pretty by taking her to get her nails and toes done after school! Love having a girl!
Special Day With Owen
Me and my favorite little man had a special day. We went shopping had lunch and played all afternoon in the yard!
Love My Pook
Gary is awesome. He works all night and sleeps some of the day, but all ways finds time to make me feel special. Even if he missed our picnic! I wish I had the chance to take the picture when the corn was on fire!!!
USAF Girl!
My parents are so good at getting Air Force stuff for the kids! Owen is going to be a jr. Cadet when he turns six. Lilly loves this Air Force shirt because it is rainbow. So before we sent her off to school this morning she and Gary had the following conversation.
Lilly:Daddy look at my rainbow Air Force shirt
Gary: grampy must have got that for you huh?
Lilly: yup
Gary: Grampy loved being in the Air Force he liked his rainbow uniform.
Me: Gary
Gary: :) What!! God made the rainbows and the Air Force guys protect them!!
Lilly:Daddy look at my rainbow Air Force shirt
Gary: grampy must have got that for you huh?
Lilly: yup
Gary: Grampy loved being in the Air Force he liked his rainbow uniform.
Me: Gary
Gary: :) What!! God made the rainbows and the Air Force guys protect them!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
What does???
What does Red River Hickory, Pewter Green, Rare Grey and Collage Truffle all have in common??
These are all colors going into or on our home! We have been working so hard on our home this year! Gary and I have been so excited at all the changes. We started the summer off with the front yard. It has become so enjoyable. I love reading to the kids out there and we love our flower gardens. Lilly is our flower fairy, she is really great at helping me keep everything alive. Owen he is really great at picking all our flowers, we still love him!
We moved to the basement next where we pretty much gutted the entire place. We painted the walls, similar colors as the coffee shop at church and were given some new/gently used furniture from my parents. We got Gary a new TV and were given a stellar weight bench from our neighbor. The basement has become a wonderful family place to watch movies. Gary has the surround sound up and it is the most comfortable movie theater in all the world!
We also are getting new wood flooring! Its called Red River Hickory and I have been looking forward to this floor thing for years! We placed our order last week with a neighbor that sells Direct Flooring. He is such a nice man and I have a feeling he gave us the neighbor discount!
Pewter Green and Rare Grey are going to be the colors on the outside of the house. I have a work friend who's family owns a painting business and he came and gave us an amazing estimate. I will have to buy him coffee for life. After the flooring and painting we are going to get a new sofa and love seat for our living room! This is going to feel like a whole new house by September! Lets just pray my paint choices are not like the whole copper penny mess! I don't think I can look at bad paint again for the next ten years!
God is so good to us. We both have been working so hard and saving for all these changes. We are blessed to have family and friends that have helped us out with improving our little home! We are super blessed. I will post before and after pictures next month when all is complete!
These are all colors going into or on our home! We have been working so hard on our home this year! Gary and I have been so excited at all the changes. We started the summer off with the front yard. It has become so enjoyable. I love reading to the kids out there and we love our flower gardens. Lilly is our flower fairy, she is really great at helping me keep everything alive. Owen he is really great at picking all our flowers, we still love him!
We moved to the basement next where we pretty much gutted the entire place. We painted the walls, similar colors as the coffee shop at church and were given some new/gently used furniture from my parents. We got Gary a new TV and were given a stellar weight bench from our neighbor. The basement has become a wonderful family place to watch movies. Gary has the surround sound up and it is the most comfortable movie theater in all the world!
We also are getting new wood flooring! Its called Red River Hickory and I have been looking forward to this floor thing for years! We placed our order last week with a neighbor that sells Direct Flooring. He is such a nice man and I have a feeling he gave us the neighbor discount!
Pewter Green and Rare Grey are going to be the colors on the outside of the house. I have a work friend who's family owns a painting business and he came and gave us an amazing estimate. I will have to buy him coffee for life. After the flooring and painting we are going to get a new sofa and love seat for our living room! This is going to feel like a whole new house by September! Lets just pray my paint choices are not like the whole copper penny mess! I don't think I can look at bad paint again for the next ten years!
God is so good to us. We both have been working so hard and saving for all these changes. We are blessed to have family and friends that have helped us out with improving our little home! We are super blessed. I will post before and after pictures next month when all is complete!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Oh For The Love!!!!!
So last night we were reading our stories in lilly's room after every one was done with baths and ready for bed. Half was through the book Owen starts rubbing his head and saying loudly........MY BRAINS ARE COMING OUT!!!!!
Nope they are not Owen that would be shampoo that did not get rinsed out! Oh for the love!!! :)
Nope they are not Owen that would be shampoo that did not get rinsed out! Oh for the love!!! :)
Monday, August 6, 2012
1st day of school
Praying that this year everything will just click! We pray that the Lord will put a hedge of protection around Lilly and keep her heart focused on God!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
That was the weekend huh!?
I tell you the older I get the more I appreciate the simple pleasures of just staying home and loving on my husband and kids. This weekend was not at all a relaxing one. I worked all day Saturday and then today was a mixture of church, cleaning house and getting ready for the first day of school tomorrow. As I am really excited for Lilly to be a second grader and getting our routine back, I am also a little nervous knowing we are about to get super busy! Christmas is my favorite time of year ever and we are going to start rehearsals for the Children's musical in the next few weeks! I am super excited because I am directing it along with some of my all time favorite people! It is such a blessing, but makes life really busy. I need to get myself super organized now before it's to late! Blessings All!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Makes Your Heart Smile
Springs' Sister City raises money for fire victims
Aug 3, 2012 5:11 p.m.
The city of Fujiyoshida, Japan has raised $11,417 for victims of the Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado Springs.
Fujiyoshida and Colorado Springs were named Sister Cities in 1962. This weekend, approximately 70 visitors from Fujiyoshida including Mayor Horiuchi are in town to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Sister City relationship.
Mayor Horiuchi will deliver the $11,417 check to Colorado Springs Mayor Steve Bach during the Everybody Welcome Mountain Festival and 50th Sister City Anniversary Celebration at America the Beautiful Park on Saturday, August 4 at 6 p.m.
The money will go to Colorado Springs Together and will go towards the activities required to help restore the lives and the neighborhoods affected by the Waldo Canyon fire.
The Fujiyoshida fund drive began with a spontaneous performance by a local Taiko drumming group on a train platform. The drummers played for thirty minutes to raise awareness and funds for those affected by the fire at the base of Pikes Peak. The campaign grew through donations from the mayor of Fujiyoshida, high school students, concerned individuals, and local organizations.
Fujiyoshida, a city of 52,000 at the foot of Mt. Fuji, was selected as a Sister City because of geographic similarities and economies built on tourism and military presence.
Colorado Springs has also supported Fujiyoshida in times of tragedy. In 2011, when news of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami reached Colorado Springs, the Japan America Society of Southern Colorado went into action, raising more than $47,000 in aid for Japanese relief efforts.
or details about the 50th Anniversary Mountain Festival to be held Saturday, August 4, from noon to 8 p.m. at America the Beautiful Park, please visit The Mountain Festival launches a full week of Everybody Welcome activities throughout the community.
Aug 3, 2012 5:11 p.m.
The city of Fujiyoshida, Japan has raised $11,417 for victims of the Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado Springs.
Fujiyoshida and Colorado Springs were named Sister Cities in 1962. This weekend, approximately 70 visitors from Fujiyoshida including Mayor Horiuchi are in town to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Sister City relationship.
Mayor Horiuchi will deliver the $11,417 check to Colorado Springs Mayor Steve Bach during the Everybody Welcome Mountain Festival and 50th Sister City Anniversary Celebration at America the Beautiful Park on Saturday, August 4 at 6 p.m.
The money will go to Colorado Springs Together and will go towards the activities required to help restore the lives and the neighborhoods affected by the Waldo Canyon fire.
The Fujiyoshida fund drive began with a spontaneous performance by a local Taiko drumming group on a train platform. The drummers played for thirty minutes to raise awareness and funds for those affected by the fire at the base of Pikes Peak. The campaign grew through donations from the mayor of Fujiyoshida, high school students, concerned individuals, and local organizations.
Fujiyoshida, a city of 52,000 at the foot of Mt. Fuji, was selected as a Sister City because of geographic similarities and economies built on tourism and military presence.
Colorado Springs has also supported Fujiyoshida in times of tragedy. In 2011, when news of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami reached Colorado Springs, the Japan America Society of Southern Colorado went into action, raising more than $47,000 in aid for Japanese relief efforts.
or details about the 50th Anniversary Mountain Festival to be held Saturday, August 4, from noon to 8 p.m. at America the Beautiful Park, please visit The Mountain Festival launches a full week of Everybody Welcome activities throughout the community.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Seems to be a little confusion as to what Rainbows symbolize. Here is a little reminder.
Genesis 12: And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: 13 I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
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Spring Break
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Voting as Christians Gary and I strongly believe it is our duty being dual citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven as well as The United State of...