Monday, October 15, 2012

Fast Day One

During the next twenty one days our family will be participating in an all church fast. During this fast Gary and I will faithfully be fasting:
Media-DTV has been temporally cut off again! (sorry mom)
All meat
Caffeine- Beware Starbucks stock holders.
And we will not be eating out during this fast.
Lilly and Owen will be giving up their tv time and sweets.

Our first day went very well. We had unsweetened oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. A green salad for lunch and for dinner stuffed green peppers!

Lilly and Owen are doing devotion together at night while memorizing Exodus 20-3

Gary and I have committed to fasting food over lunch to pray and seek God.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa asked me what was in the green peppers. It was brown rice, onions, red and yellow peppers and mushrooms with tomato sauce. I did put a sprinkle of motzarella cheese on too. Low fat cheese!!! It was good like a pizza with rice instead of crust!


Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.