Monday, November 19, 2012


So a couple of years ago Gary and I went through a program called Break Free. And it was life changing for us as individuals as well as husband and wife. One thing that really grabbed me was the amount of TV and Internet we fill our home with. Years ago I would turn that TV on with out even second guessing, from the moment we got up to the moment we went to sleep. We would even let the kids sit and watch TV. It was shameful and disgusting I think one of the ugliest thing we as parents do is let our kids sit and zone in front of TV. I was at the home of a friend of a friend and her kid was screaming because her show went off. That is scary. I will even say when TV starts to take the time of worship we know we are allowing idol in our homes.
Now I don't want anyone to think we don't watch TV or movies because we do. This weekend we did a ton of Christmas crafts and we had Christmas movies on all day.
When Gary and I decided our home was a place of worship and loving God we also decided to limit TV as well as what the kids are seeing. It's been about two years now and we don't even miss it.
One if my very favorite times if day is when I am making dinner. Usually the kids are "helping" me or they are at the table doing homework or coloring. We have long dinners here at the Haynes house usually an hour and a half. After everyone is done eating we do our family devotion Followed by our nightly chores baths prayer and bedtime. We are on our second devotion book and it has been an amazing time for our family. Praying everyone will just unplug and focus on God and family!

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Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.