Saturday, December 29, 2012

Murray Boots!

The shoe fairy is real! I promise there is no shoe stores in Murray Idaho! Yet this amazing pair if boots found me there. Chicken fried stake yes shoes no!! Wanted to show my sister in law my boots!
I got myself together and went to church! I just put a hot patch on my kidney and off we went. Still not yellow so I take that as a plus!! :)


  1. Nice boots! That was such a fun day! Looking forward to your next visit! Maybe next time it will be ballerina slippers! lol Love you. Oh by the way your birthday present this year is a new hot water heater for my house. It finally works and the hot shower was wonderful, thanks! haha! It was a great present, not only yours, but mine, Chris's, maybe Gary's and Lee's as well, such fun.

  2. Ha!!! You mean you did not like the cold Idaho winter showers?? :)
    Trust me I understand! I have to get a new car!!!
    Love you guys!

  3. Love the boots!! The shoe fairy is real!! and they look awesome on you!!!

    btw. thanks for the Christmas gift. I was a slug this year and didn't send out one Christmas card, but I will get yours in the mail along with the girls pictures.

    Hoping to see you for Stephanies' graduation, June 1st, it is coming way to fast for me!!

    Love you


Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.