Monday, October 7, 2013


There is nothing that brings me greater joy than waking my family up! This has been an accepted challenge since I was in high school and the last couple if years it has become even more of a challenge.
I typically am early to bed kind if girl. And my brother and father find great joy in calling me at like 10:00pm knowing I am well into dream land. As much as I hate to admit this Teddy is the master of Wake E Wake E! 
Because of his job the kid is all over the world, or locked away for days doing military exercises so he has a huge advantage. He will call me so randomly at all hours if the night and early morning. However I cought him in a weak moment, a moment when he was actually enjoying slumber... When he answered the phone groggy my heart jumped out of my chest as I laughed so hard! It was a great moment! There may have been some funny unholy game language exchanged but it's all in good fun! 
Just wait till Christmas Teddy....

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Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.