Tuesday, November 25, 2014

All Is Well And We Are Blessed




Well this has been a week, and it’s only Tuesday! Thankfully Thanksgiving is only a day away and we will have some down time! I have not felt well at all. My stomach is up to new tricks. I have battled with stomach ulcers for years and take medication daily for my ulcers. Several weeks ago I ran out of the medicine and did not get it re-filled right away. I was fine, really I was. Until last week when I had a horrible attack that left my arms and hands numb and in the doctor’s office dizzy and disoriented. My doctor thinks several different issues could be going on but was leaning on my pancreas being overworked because I do not have a gall bladder. Once the attack is gone it’s gone and I literally feel fine. Today I had another appointment and was given a new prescription, I  was also told that my pancreas  could be overworked. I have  cut back in my diet and for several months I have not indulged in fatty or unhealthy foods. Gary and I recently came off of a fast with our church and for his first  meal he wanted Korean BBQ. I don’t eat much red meat anyway but this day I had a piece of the BBQ and it also had a chunk of fat in it. My doctor believes that my pancreas was overly processing enzymes to break the fat down, so I’m pretty sure I set this attack off myself and have been told by my doctor to never eat any fatty or fried foods. This is not a big deal for me, I’m praying with my new medicine and continuing with a healthy diet I can manage to not have any more of these attacks.

To make our short little week a little longer my dad was in the hospital having some maintenance done to his existing heart stints. Anytime my dad is in the hospital is causes me stress, I don’t ever want to see anyone in my family in pain or hurt. Thankfully he only had to stay overnight and is home eating and moving around like nothing has happened. So we are thankful for his speedy recovery and are looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving all together!

We are in a season of change with Gary’s company and changes can be unnerving especially at Christmas. We are  faithful that God will carry us through any uncertainty with His Grace. He is in control and we are reminded that our lives are just a speck of dust. We live for the promise of eternity and our treasure is in Heaven. We are faithful and thankful for this season of change and moments of utter dependence on Jesus.

Gary and I were just speaking on how much fun we have with our little’s at Christmas. Lilly and Owen will only be this age once and we treasure this time with them. This may have been a hectic week and a time of uncertainty but we have two amazing and sweet little guys that are unbelievably excited to celebrate the Christ in Christmas. We are going to rejoice and sing and eat and love on God and family. We are so excited to celebrate this time with our family, friends and church.  God is good and we are incredibly thankful for His love and mercy and the gift of celebrating His Son.  So for now we are good being held in health and uncertain times by our Sweet Jesus, all is well.. and we are blessed..


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Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.