This is on top of our Starbucks runs, and did I ever tell you all that our church has a Starbucks inside? Gary and I have a small problem!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Hanging Out In His Undies
Dude I have no idea why our son takes off his pants or shorts as soon as he walks in the house. It drives me crazy! I can assure you Gary and I don't walk around our home pant less!
What does Owen Have On?
Lilly is such a fashionEsta, she totally gets that from me. Owen on the other hand has socks up to his knees! I just adore him!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Media Fast day million zillion.....I Think
Ok today I have had some MAJOR TV withdrawals. Not to mention I cut Direct TV, however we have learned it's on for like 65 days with no cost because they have to send boxes to mail back the receivers. Any who I think I kind of miss Bridezaillas ya know I like some Real Housewives as horrible and as smutty as that is.

However in the midst of this fast I have learned that as much as I want I am not omnipresent. And I am very glad at that. For months I have been all over the place. I have been working two part time jobs that seem to take more time than one full time job, I have been serving on the worship team, trying to keep my pre-school team together, I have tried several time to have coffee with friends and spend time with family at no avail. On top of all this keeping my commitment to spending time with God and of course being a wife and mother. Phew makes me tired just thinking about my weeks. I wake at like 6:30am and never seem to go to bed until 11:30. I just can't do it any more, not to mention I am sick all the time. God did not design me for this kind of rushing and trying to please people. He designed me to be a wife, mother, daughter,daughter in law, sister, friend and worship leader.
Tomorrow it all changes. I can't lie somewhere in this I feel a little sad. I feel like I am giving up control of my life..........This is something I should have done a long time ago, Tomorrow I begin working one full time job. One full time job that will allow me to work the same hours my babies are in school. Sadly I am letting go of my position at church. This does break my heart, but the timing was just off. God's timing is so much better than mine and I trust His decisions. I am going to continue to sing and worship my beloved Jesus. There will always be time for Jesus. And my wonderful family has always been my top priority I know that everything I have worked so hard for was for them. My intentions were honest and good, God just knows better than I do. I can't wait to see how things go from here on out. Jesus is in control and I have become a super quite back seat driver.
Love you guys, and thanks to all my family and friends for your prayers. God is so good, and my heart trusts in Him!
Love Jen

However in the midst of this fast I have learned that as much as I want I am not omnipresent. And I am very glad at that. For months I have been all over the place. I have been working two part time jobs that seem to take more time than one full time job, I have been serving on the worship team, trying to keep my pre-school team together, I have tried several time to have coffee with friends and spend time with family at no avail. On top of all this keeping my commitment to spending time with God and of course being a wife and mother. Phew makes me tired just thinking about my weeks. I wake at like 6:30am and never seem to go to bed until 11:30. I just can't do it any more, not to mention I am sick all the time. God did not design me for this kind of rushing and trying to please people. He designed me to be a wife, mother, daughter,daughter in law, sister, friend and worship leader.

Tomorrow it all changes. I can't lie somewhere in this I feel a little sad. I feel like I am giving up control of my life..........This is something I should have done a long time ago, Tomorrow I begin working one full time job. One full time job that will allow me to work the same hours my babies are in school. Sadly I am letting go of my position at church. This does break my heart, but the timing was just off. God's timing is so much better than mine and I trust His decisions. I am going to continue to sing and worship my beloved Jesus. There will always be time for Jesus. And my wonderful family has always been my top priority I know that everything I have worked so hard for was for them. My intentions were honest and good, God just knows better than I do. I can't wait to see how things go from here on out. Jesus is in control and I have become a super quite back seat driver.
Love you guys, and thanks to all my family and friends for your prayers. God is so good, and my heart trusts in Him!
Love Jen
Friday, September 23, 2011
Look Out Below
We spent several minutes outside this evening looking for a school bus sized satellite with a fireball behind it. And we saw it clearer than day. Up in the sky toward the North West right above the Air Force Academy there it was for like four minutes. Blue, Yellow and Green. Totally cool.
Our New Map
Grandma and Papa sent us a huge wall map. I put it up in the kids room/man basement! We love this map, it all ready had Grandma and Papa on it and we added all of our family out of the state! We also put a pin where Mickey lives, we could not leave Mickey out!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Packages Are Fun!
Lilly and Owen love mail and they got a special surprise from Grandma and Papa today! We lost Owen at candy! :) And as I am writing this post the kids are at the table painting with new water colors!
Thanks Grandma and Papa we miss you!!!
And yes Owen lives in his little man undies! He is a strange kid!
Thanks Grandma and Papa we miss you!!!
And yes Owen lives in his little man undies! He is a strange kid!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Owen has his own way of explaining things. I knew this morning was going to be a morning when Owen came to me and said he was going to wear his G.I. Army Man Pants. Good Gravy!
Early this morning we woke to a rainy foggy day the temp is an ugly 40 degrees. YUCK! Any way Owen wanted to know where the mountains went. I told him God let the clouds come play. Owen immediately said Well tell God to take them back up they are peeing everywhere!
It is wet, we set a record for the most rainfall in a 24 hour period since 1894! Please tell me this is not a sign of a horrendous winter.
Early this morning we woke to a rainy foggy day the temp is an ugly 40 degrees. YUCK! Any way Owen wanted to know where the mountains went. I told him God let the clouds come play. Owen immediately said Well tell God to take them back up they are peeing everywhere!
It is wet, we set a record for the most rainfall in a 24 hour period since 1894! Please tell me this is not a sign of a horrendous winter.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Well ya know it's fall when Gary and Owen put the top back on the jeep! The weather has just flipped right into fall. Tomorrow is going to be dreary with temps in the upper 50's.
Media Fast
Who needs T.V.!! Gary is reading "Forgotten God" I am reading "Heaven is for Real" Lilly has been working on her spelling word and Owen is a coloring little man! On top of this our family devotion is out of this world! We are done with Direct T.V.!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Unusual Memory of September 11th 2001
I am a United States Air Force Brat and I have a button to prove it! This is something that I have always been so proud of. Being Air Force Brats Teddy and I can tell you what is flying overhead just by the sound. I can name a Fighter jet and cargo plane just by the sound. I can hear a F-16 from miles away. When I was a little girl my family was stationed at a sac Air Force base in New York. This base was home to the FB-111 I have pictures of me sitting on a missiles at the flight line. My dad used to take Teddy and I to the flight line here at Peterson AFB and we would watch all the different planes and jets do touch and goes. These were great memories. To this day I can sit in my living room and can tell if a commercial plane is flying overhead or a military plane.
After Tuesday September 11, 2001 there was an erie silence there was no planes, with the exceptions of C-130's flying very low. The sound was a very scary reality. I can remember being on my mom and dad's deck watching a low flying C-130 passing right over head, it looked like it was going to land in the park.
This was a silence that just is not heard here in Colorado Springs. We are a huge military town we have an airport five miles up the road. We have planes flying over constantly. I will never forget the events of September 11, 2011 and I will never for the very real silence of no aircraft.
This evening Gary, Lilly, Owen and I took several minutes to pray for our beloved USA. How thankful and proud we are that we have been chosen to live in the blessing of our great country. We pray this even for peace and a justice that only the Lord Jesus can bring.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Media Fast
I am smack dab in the middle of a 40 day media fast with the worship team. I HOPE THIS DID NOT MEAN MY BLOG!!!! I have been blogging like crazy because I think I kind of miss TV. Funny because we really don't watch a ton of it but I like the news and a little Housewives after everyone is in bed. It's my dirty little secret!
During this fast I have learned I can't be in two places at once. For those of you who know me know my passion is to sing. I have been singing my whole life. During my twenties I finally figured out I am made to sing for Him for His glory. There is no better feeling I get than singing to my Jesus. People come to the Lord during powerful movements of music, and I get to be apart of that!
I left worship, I left my passion. I really thought I was doing the right thing. You see for about three years I not only have been leading worship I have been teaching the pre-school kiddos on Wednesday evenings. I have always wanted to work at church and was offered a position as the Director of pre-school ministries. I was really excited but I soon learned I would not be able to be involved with the worship team. I kid you not I cried like a baby in private of course. I convinced myself it was the right thing to do. After all I adore the kids and see them as the most precious in the sight of God. I love to see the look of a child when they speak of Jesus and when they pray is such a blessing. As much as I love and adore the kids this is not where I belong.
Romans 12:6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith.
I don't have the gift of teaching the children, I have the gift of leading worship and what a passion it is for me.
I am not the type of person to just quit, I believe that God has a plan. If He wanted me back on the worship team he would find a way, and indeed He did.
I have been offered a full time position with the financial institution I work for. This was not planned but good timing. I wanted to stay part time for as long as I could and I believe these six years of being home with my babies was exactly what God intended for my family. However with me working two part time jobs I am going in a different direction than my family and that is totally out of alignment with Gods plan for me. Gary and I thought and prayed long and hard before I accepted this position. Believe it or not I will actually have a better schedule and weekends off with my whole family, this is a huge blessing.
It was so hard to tell my friend Jen I was stepping down as the director, it's just not what God wants from me. I need to place my Family first and worship next everything else falls into place. I believe so strongly in Jesus that He has all ready found my replacement in children's ministry.
As for the worship team, I will be going back soon! Hopefully October or November. It's where I belong and I can't wait to see what God has in store.
During this fast I have learned I can't be in two places at once. For those of you who know me know my passion is to sing. I have been singing my whole life. During my twenties I finally figured out I am made to sing for Him for His glory. There is no better feeling I get than singing to my Jesus. People come to the Lord during powerful movements of music, and I get to be apart of that!
I left worship, I left my passion. I really thought I was doing the right thing. You see for about three years I not only have been leading worship I have been teaching the pre-school kiddos on Wednesday evenings. I have always wanted to work at church and was offered a position as the Director of pre-school ministries. I was really excited but I soon learned I would not be able to be involved with the worship team. I kid you not I cried like a baby in private of course. I convinced myself it was the right thing to do. After all I adore the kids and see them as the most precious in the sight of God. I love to see the look of a child when they speak of Jesus and when they pray is such a blessing. As much as I love and adore the kids this is not where I belong.
Romans 12:6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith.
I don't have the gift of teaching the children, I have the gift of leading worship and what a passion it is for me.
I am not the type of person to just quit, I believe that God has a plan. If He wanted me back on the worship team he would find a way, and indeed He did.
I have been offered a full time position with the financial institution I work for. This was not planned but good timing. I wanted to stay part time for as long as I could and I believe these six years of being home with my babies was exactly what God intended for my family. However with me working two part time jobs I am going in a different direction than my family and that is totally out of alignment with Gods plan for me. Gary and I thought and prayed long and hard before I accepted this position. Believe it or not I will actually have a better schedule and weekends off with my whole family, this is a huge blessing.
It was so hard to tell my friend Jen I was stepping down as the director, it's just not what God wants from me. I need to place my Family first and worship next everything else falls into place. I believe so strongly in Jesus that He has all ready found my replacement in children's ministry.
As for the worship team, I will be going back soon! Hopefully October or November. It's where I belong and I can't wait to see what God has in store.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Lilly's Project
Lilly loves life! She gets so excited over the simple things. God made Lilly to love His creation, and she dose. Lilly had an amazing appreciation for life, animals and the environment. She also has a thing for guys on motorcycles, she will outgrow that right? Any who Lilly's summer project was a garden at Grammies house. Lilly spent many hours this summer watering and digging in the garden and now it's almost time to pick. They grew, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, onions, squash, watermelon and pumpkins.
Love My Owen
I can't even describe how much I love my time with Owen. He is an amazing little man and I adore him. He has a twinkle in his eye and never ceases to amaze me how quickly he can get himself in trouble :). Owen also has a heart for Christ. It's amazing I have never met a little kid that loves Jesus as much as Owen. So many adults could learn from his heart. He is a sweet little man and I pray that the Lord continue to bless him. I also pray he is my little worship pastor!! HA!! Now if we could just get him to aim in the big hole on the potty he would be perfect!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Fantastic Weekend
We had a fantastic weekend! We went to the Balloon Glow Sunday night and then took the BIG JEEP out and hiked all over seven falls. Lilly and Owen love to hike and they did a way better job than I did. We made it all the way to the grave site of Helen Hunt. Took us about an hour but we did it! We finished the afternoon off at our favorite outside lunch spot and ice cream in Manitou Springs.
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Spring Break
I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.
I am not a fan of pictures of me. I am very uncomfortable facing the reality of what I look like. I have been on this weight loss journey fo...
For those of you that don't know me let me just introduce myself. Hi my name is Jen and I hate winter.
Voting as Christians Gary and I strongly believe it is our duty being dual citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven as well as The United State of...