Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fallish in Colorado

It so pretty, the snow that is! I love the snow and my winter wardrobe is so much better than summer! Any way we have snow and plenty of it! Lilly had to go to school today but came home to a few more inches. Gary and the kids had a lot of fun playing outside this afternoon. I love this weather for cooking I am making homemade chili and homemade bread. And for desert homemade pumpkin spice cookies! Yay for snuggling this evening all our church activities have been canceled!
Stay home and be blessed!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

IT's Coming! Praying For a Snow Day!

Today was beautiful! Record highs in the 70's! Tomorrow, well we are expecting eight to ten inches of snow!
Fourteen years ago today we had a massive blizzard! The snow drifts were so deep that the snow was up to the second story windows in my mom and dad's house. Gary and I were just dating at that time and he was deployed in Kuwait. I can remember talking to Gary and telling him that Ft. Carson deployed all the Humvee's to rescue people. It was an amazing blizzard and just like that it was totally over! I have pictures of Teddy, Darren and Brett standing on top of a massive snow drift wearing shorts!
I can't lie I would love to have that happen once again. I just went to the grocery store and my home is spotless. It would be so wonderful to spend the day cuddled up together watching movies and special snow day snacks!

Monday, October 24, 2011

I Pray Alot

Praying has become apart of my lifestyle. I pray all the time. I pray for my family, church, friends, workplace. I pray for things like Lilly and Owen's future spouses. I pray for our public leaders and churches around the world.  But lately I have been so focused on worship. Pure worship. Not music. I am talking about forgetting everything. Turn off TV the radio put your book down make everything quiet and just focus on God. How many people do this? I mean really? How many people stop everything and just worship God. Think about God's Grace, His creation. How many of you keep an answered prayer journal? Sure we ask God for all kinds of stuff. But honestly how many people really stop and worship Christ and think about answered prayers? I know that I used to be this person. God was a convenience in my life. I conveniently called upon Christ when I needed something. Not any more and I am here to tell you that my prayer life has been transformed.
I have started to really focus in on praying. On top of praying for my family, friends and church I am praying for worship. Fasting media and just praying. Praying that people are able to just worship the Lord. Who gives a care if someone is looking, listening...Just figure out what worship is about and do it. 

I Just Needed A Pirate Hat

Ever find yourself in the wrong place? Not to mention the wrong place with your four year old? Owen is going to be a pirate for Halloween and I needed to find him a pirate hat. I thought going to the Halloween store next to our home was a good idea. That place should come with a warning! We literally walked in and walked out. I have never been a fan of Halloween I always thought it was super weird but now that I have kids I think putting them in costumes is fun. I sometimes think I must live in a bubble, because I totally did not expect to walk into a horror movie. The first thing I saw was a massive zombie thing with fake blood dripping everywhere, and next to it costumes any respectable lady would never wear. Not to mention no mother should ever let her teenage daughter wear. There should be some sort of warning on the front door that says not acceptable for children or really anyone. Made my stomach totally turn.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

From the Mouth of a Three Year Old

This evening I covered the pre-school class at church. One of the little girls was pushing around a car. I asked her to be very careful. I said watch where you are going because Miss. Jen would be so sad if you hit your head on something. She looked at me and said, " I am insured Miss. Jen it's ok!" The things these little guys say!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lilly's Computer Art Work!

This makes me smile! She made this online! 

4:45 Wake Up on Sunday!

I love Jesus! And I guarantee that Jesus is the only one I willingly get up at 4:45am for! I was blessed to once again sing to Jesus today. Man I love a 6:30 rehearsal! After church I and the whole family are usually beat! There is nothing like a Sunday afternoon nap! Me and Owen we are all about our Sunday nap!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day at the Aquarium

We spent the day in Denver at the Aquarium. It was so much fun. We all had our favorite things. Gary liked the sharks. I loved the PINK Jelly Fish. Lilly totally enjoyed feeding the stingrays and Owen loved that we were right next to Mile High! He was infatuated with the stadium. We stood in the snow and rain for twenty minutes staring at Mile High! I can not wait to see his face when we go to a game!
Oh and the Red Wings were in town, I knew I smelled something bad!

$^@# (Snow that is a bad word in our house)

Seriously this is what we woke up to this morning. And we have not turned on the heat yet. We may have to stop rebelling and just give in!

Parent Teacher Conference

Gary and I had the pleasure to chat with Lilly's teacher Mrs. Harper. This woman is a genius in her teaching. Her classroom is set up in a way to hold the kids attention. The best thing about this woman, she is a retired police officer married to a retired Marine! Praise God!!
Lilly is learning at high speed. She is a reading and spelling little monkey. We are so proud of Lilly! She received all A's and B's.
Here are some pictures of the school and Gary by Lilly's school work on the wall.

Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.