Monday, October 24, 2011

I Pray Alot

Praying has become apart of my lifestyle. I pray all the time. I pray for my family, church, friends, workplace. I pray for things like Lilly and Owen's future spouses. I pray for our public leaders and churches around the world.  But lately I have been so focused on worship. Pure worship. Not music. I am talking about forgetting everything. Turn off TV the radio put your book down make everything quiet and just focus on God. How many people do this? I mean really? How many people stop everything and just worship God. Think about God's Grace, His creation. How many of you keep an answered prayer journal? Sure we ask God for all kinds of stuff. But honestly how many people really stop and worship Christ and think about answered prayers? I know that I used to be this person. God was a convenience in my life. I conveniently called upon Christ when I needed something. Not any more and I am here to tell you that my prayer life has been transformed.
I have started to really focus in on praying. On top of praying for my family, friends and church I am praying for worship. Fasting media and just praying. Praying that people are able to just worship the Lord. Who gives a care if someone is looking, listening...Just figure out what worship is about and do it. 

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Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.