You Don't Have To Lose Weight To Fit The Armor of God.
Twice today I have heard this. Once was a Facebook post by my friend Tab and also in conversation with my friend Jennifer. And I totally agree. You don't have to be a size eight to have a temple for Christ. It's the inside that shines through. Never anywhere in scripture dose it say the ideal body is thin. Christ shines through us who love and who trust him. God loves us no matter what shape or size we are. And I pray during my journey and struggles with my own weight I never mislead anyone about Christ not loving us because of our body size.
My journey with weight and me being heavy is simply because of my sin. I have literally for several years worn my sin around my wast. Instead of turning to Christ I turned to food. I for many years was not happy with my job. I was working to much and had no schedule. I longed to be a great wife and mother and I felt tired run down and simply exhausted by life. To dull my busy lifestyle I ate horribly. I was not taking care of myself, this is the body God gave me and I was not honoring God with my own personal choices. For me because of my terrible food choices I have had the pain of weight pulling me down. I had to make a choice to honor Christ with my whole self. I had to literally "Break Free."
I made a huge decision and took a completely different position with the same company I have worked for, for the last thirteen years. This decision completely changed my life. God lead me in this direction so I could stop the busy and become a wife and mother with a job on the side. This changed has lead me to remember I am loved by the King and I can devote more time to Him and taking care of myself. I am a lover of Christ and I long to lead worship freely. I could not physically do this wearing my sin, how misleading to my church and my little disciples whom I'm trying to train. I had to change my ways to honor Christ and I'm well on my way in this journey! For me and me alone my weight was a sin I self indulged in horrible food and used it as a comfort. I have turned my ways around and with every prayer walk and meal I'm satisfying my hunger for Him!
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