Saturday, November 28, 2015

Starting Over Journey

I will never forget the hundredth time I read Romans 12:1 for the first time with new eyes.  It was a life changing moment for me. I'm praying this verse once again tonight as I start a new journey next week. My hope is in living for Him and His glory, not to conform to this world. My strength and validation is in Christ alone. As dumb as this may sound to some my weight is a constant burden on my mind. I have worked incredibly hard to lose weight and have been very successful with diet and exercise. However since May I have been at a horrible weight loss plateau. This month has been the first in over a year that the scale has moved up. I can see I'm loosing muscle and getting heavy in my middle. I work out I eat right and this really breaks my heart and is incredibly discouraging. Tonight, I know that I have been half hearted in my efforts and need the strength of God moving forward. I'm going to to a liquid fast for a couple of weeks. I need to strengthen my dependency on Christ and remove the toxins in my body and feel empty of myself. I'm not looking forward to the next couple of weeks but I feel God asking me to reevaluate my priorities, and I will be obedient. I'm needing to take a step back from some things and refocus on my dependency on God.  Tomorrow I'm thankful to lead worship, I'm thankful because I love to leave everything at the feet of Jesus, yes I can worship on my own but there is something very special in corporate times and I feel God calling for something special tomorrow.  And God fills me when I worship Him. Tomorrow I'm going on a starting over journey. My body is a living sacrifice, I'm praying that God remind me and carry me once again on this road. 

Wall Whacky

I love being home, but I'm also an outdoor girl. I'm also a summer girl who dreads this cold white stuff. There is only so many work out videos that I can take before I have to suck it up and venture out! Fortunately for me my little family is always willing to adventure! 

Lazy Day

A lazy day and they are both doing homework! I've really lucked out with these two! 

Friday, November 27, 2015

RC Cars

It's a snowy day here and for Gary and Owen they love it. They have been looking for an opportunity to play with Owens RC car and make some improvements. They designed and soddered some headlights and taillights. It's nice to have an engineer for a husband! 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Olives Good a Grief!!

Grampy Secrets

Thanksgiving at Mom and Dad's

We had such a great time together! 

Marshmallow Man

Same job every year! 

My Men Chillin

Cooking With My Baby Doll


Traditions are so important to our little family. Lilly and Owen are very quick to remember the little details and I truly love that they do this. Thanksgiving is a day where once again I'm up at the crack of dawn! Really, it's just I'm so excited and can't sleep! I went for a run and did a workout video just so I can eat today! I'm getting ready to wake up my little family so we won't miss any moments of the Macey's Day Parade! Gary will wake up to a Pumpkin Spiced Latte and the kids Peppermint Hot Chocolate and a pumpkin roll! That's enough to kill my stomach right there, I'm going to hold out for sweet potatoes lol! Loving this season with my family!  Praying all my family and friends have love and thankful hearts! Happy Thanksgiving! 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Charlie Brown

Starting Thanksgiving weekend by being the only people in the theater! 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Not Yet

Oh the joy of trying to lose weight. This has not been my year, but next year will I will hit my 100 pound weight loss goal. I have lost a total of 71 pounds and I’m holding very steady with this. I kind of chuckle because I weigh exactly what I said I would be happy at, and I am happy but I seriously will hit my target in the year 2016. I know that I need to change my workouts. I do a lot of running and walking and I know that from this time last year I am way more toned and just feel amazing. I’m so thankful for this journey and just die when I see old pictures of myself. God has done an amazing work on my heart and I’m so thankful. If I can pass anything along to my babies I just pray it’s to trust God fully and give their lives over to Him. He will guide and show you exactly what he wants from you, we just need to let him in! When I started this journey God spoke to me while reading Romans 12:1 I had to figure out what this meant in my life. I could not possibly get up on the platform and lead worship from a place God was expecting and minister to others when I would use a cookie to comfort myself. I have turned to prayer in every area of my life and God is truly blessing me. I love the work He has done and I pray that I never become like the 9 lepers that received their healing and did not go back to Jesus. I pray that in every situation in my life I always turn my eyes to Him. God is good and I’m ready to be skinny



A Family that Serves

I am loving service to those in need. This year at Ent I have had the opportunity to be heavily involved with many community service events. I love United Way and can’t wait to continue this relationship of serving my community with them. I had the opportunity to be my departments representative to visit some of the wonderful agencies that our support, service and giving goes too. I am very excited for my upcoming work day at Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado and I am also going to Partners in Housing. I’m excited to introduce the kids to serving outside of our church home. We are so heavily involved in Radiant ministries that it’s been incredibly exciting to actually be in the community helping even more. Gary has the opportunity to serve on a fantastic new ministry that will take him into the homes of elderly, widows and single women to do some home improvements. The kids and I going to continue with Care and Share on top of our service to our church home ministries! I’m really excited for the new year and opportunities to continue to love people and be the hands and feet of Jesus. United Way is a fantastic organization, exciting times! 


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What the What

These two, are very special! 

Snow day cuddles


We are having our first snow and blizzard all in one! It's pretty gorgeous, even for this summer girl! Gary was out the door dark and early, the kiddos are home today and I'm praying for my office to close down. I have been holding onto summer and unfortunately we have not taken down our gazebo, it is definitely done. It's tilting.. Well I guess we know what we will be purchasing in the spring! 

Spring Break

I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.