Saturday, April 29, 2017
Saturday mornings are my favorite time of the week. This Spring day there is snow falling, bacon cooking, coffee brewing and kids sleeping. It's romantic and cozy, perfect to read a book and hear the still. My life is a dream and my my God is the destiny. I'm believing for miracles and more of His presence.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Weight Loss Wednesday
Well I'm down 4 pounds since last week! Only 46 more pounds to go before I have fully lost 100!
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
So Thankful
Tonight was such a beautiful night of reflection. Gary and I were talking about how happy we are. We have two amazing, lovable God fearing kids, beautiful family and truly beautiful friends that we do life with. Our Pastors have taught us to hunger for holiness and seek God's kingdoms verses anything of this world. We have a light that God has shown us that shines so brightly it blinds the darkness. We both have amazing work places, of course I could gush for days over the family I work with. Seriously my friends that I work with I adore and would do anything for. These people have brought me such joy. I LOVE and respect them as I love my family. We are blessed by our Lord Who reigns above all. I have said before that sometimes I feel like I live in a fairytale, what I live in, is heaven on earth. I'm faithfully in love with my precious King who is guiding and leading step by step! So thankful this sweet night!
Tough Little Man
This kid has been full of surprises this year. I'm a proud momma. I love watching this little man grow.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Well Shoot
I have gained about 17 pounds from my lightest weight since starting my fun weight loss journey, it's fat too as I can see loss of muscle. Im really not that tall so 17 Pounds is quite a bit. I'm in a really great place with my relationship with the Lord, my family and work, but I got comfortable and cozy with life. So I begin again. I'm learning to love Jillian Michael's again and early morning devotion and working out. I'm thankful that God leads me and I'm reminded of the book of Romans that changed my life. So here's to a before picture, praying my body change and become a healthy temple for my Living God 💗
Urban Trekking
Walked to Walgreens with these ding dongs! Loudest two mile walk ever! It's a good thing I love them!
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Cool Spring Day
I love to go for quick mountain town drives. It keeps my people all in one place and let's us talk and catch up. The mountains were beautiful and full of godly colors that only He could paint. I love how the clouds create a skirt on the tippy tops of the mountains and the rain gently trickled down. We stopped at Cafe Leo and enjoyed a cup of coffee before heading home.
My Man
Gary is a man of God full of faith and can fix and build anything! I'm so thankful! He works so hard and never ever complains.
Full of JOY
We owe $6,754.39 between the US government and state of Colorado. It amazes me that two hard working, home owning, kid having and giving people can owe this much money to Uncle Sam. If this had happened to us five years ago it may have thrown me into a slight depression and ice cream induced coma. Especially when I can see how many people we could have helped or given to our church's building fund. But today, my heart is full of joy and ready to give Caesar what belongs to him. Gary and I trust not in horses or chariots but in the Lord our God. This means that we may not vacation as often this year or remodel but it means we are taking care of business and trusting in Gods plans for our lives. We are in love with the kingdom that God has promised us! He has many rooms in His house and there is a perfect place for us in Heaven! I'm so excited to watch the things of this world pass away knowing His eternity is close and we are invited in the heavenly celebrations full of joy, no worry and no pain! I'm praying for His Glory fall and walk in expectancy for His promises!
Full of JOY!
Friday, April 21, 2017
Happy Birthday
We celebrated my sweet man for life! However,I was out of candles so a match did the job! Poor guy💗
We had an amazing Easter celebrating Resurrection. Church was powerful and a service I won't soon forget. We then had brunch with family! Praising God for His love and life in us!
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Woodland Park Campus
I'm amazed that I work for my church. I'm not worthy of working with my beautiful friends who I call family. God has directed my path and I pinch myself in pure disbelief that I'm doing life and the work of the Lord. It's exciting to see with my own eyes how God is growing this church. We have three campuses and one day I long to have my office at this location! Just don't tell my boss, Pastor Lavon :)
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Friday, April 7, 2017
Purple Unicorn
I have insanely happy little girl who has discovered hair paint! It washes out, but it's fun!
My amazing friend Natasha knows that when I say I want my hair to be striped like a unicorn's hair she totally gets it! My Youth Pastor made sure to tell me a hundred times that my hair matched my shirt! I have no shame! I love it!
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Last Game
Owen has watched weeks of basketball and was excited for the last game. When 9:00 rolled around I told him it was time for bed.
He said, " mom, I'm gunna watch this game. Don't do this to me." :)
Sunday, April 2, 2017
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Spring Break
I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.
I am not a fan of pictures of me. I am very uncomfortable facing the reality of what I look like. I have been on this weight loss journey fo...
For those of you that don't know me let me just introduce myself. Hi my name is Jen and I hate winter.
Voting as Christians Gary and I strongly believe it is our duty being dual citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven as well as The United State of...