Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monkey Show
I am so sorry for not posting pictures, but I need a new memory card and I keep forgetting to buy one when at the store. I am really sorry I did not have my camera last night for the monkey show!
After church we came home and had a late dinner on the back deck. Gary and I were enjoying ourselves relaxing while the kids were playing in the yard. After a few minutes Lilly came and invited us to see the monkey's. Gary and I made our way to the swing set where two chairs were set up for us to watch the monkey show. Lilly and Owen were hilarious! They were swinging and flipping around it was so funny! I have not laughed that hard in a long time. After the show Lilly said can we go to the zoo??? HA! After that YES we will take them to the zoo!!!
Praying For Our Children
Please join me in praying for the children in your life! I have committed to praying three times a day for the kids at Radiant church and I am asking all of the folks that serve in our children's ministry to do the same. Join us and pray for the children in your life.
Isa 54:13...........That they are taught of the Lord and continue to be
Prov 13:1.......... the fruit of godly instruction and correction.
Isa 54:13...........Great is their peace and undisturbed composure.
Prov 2:6............ Father, give us counsel and wisdom in bringing up our children.
1Pet 1:14.......... I say they are obedient, not conforming to the things of the flesh,
1Pet 1:15.......... but holy, in all conduct.
1Pet 2:2........... desiring the pure milk of the Word that they may grow thereby.
Jas 1:19............That they are swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.
Heb 13:5.......... Their conduct is without covetousness,
Heb 13:5.......... and they are content with what they have.
Heb 13:16......... They do not forget to do what is right and to share.
2Pet 3:18.......... I pray that they grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord,
1Thes 4:1......... and abound more and more in how they should walk and please You.
1Pet 5:5........... That they submit to their elders, and to one another,
1Pet 5:5........... being clothed with humility.
1Pet 5:7........... That they cast their cares upon You, Father, for You care for them.
Jas 1:22............I thank You that they are doers of the Word, and not hearers only,
Ph'm 1:6...........effectively sharing their faith.
2Tim 1:7 ..........not having a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
2Tim 1:9...........Father, You have saved them and called them with a holy calling,
2Tim 1:9 ..........not according to works, but according to Your own purpose.
2Tim 4:18.........Deliver them from every evil work and preserve them.
John 10:5 ........They will by no means follow strangers, not knowing their voices.
2Tim2:22 .........They abide with others who call on the Lord out of a pure heart,
Jas 3:10 ..........and cursing comes not out of their mouth.
1Jn 5:18 ..........Because Jesus keeps them safe, the wicked one does not touch them.
Ps 91:11..........Give Your angels special charge to accompany, defend, preserve
Ps 4:8.............and provide safety for them, day and night.
1Jn 2:5 ...........Because they keep Your Word, Your love is being perfected in them.
1Jn 2:15 .........They do not love the world or the things in the world,
3Jn 1:11..........and they do not imitate what is evil, but what is good.
1Jn 1:7 ...........They walk in the light as You are in the Light,
Jas 4:8 ...........cleansing their hands and purifying their hearts,
2Tim 2:22 .......They follow after righteousness, faith, love, and peace.
Heb 13:18........They have a good conscience and desire to live honorably,
Prov 3:4 ..........having favor and high esteem with God and man.
Praying For The Children
Acts 19:20.........I thank you Father that Your Word prevails over our children.Isa 54:13...........That they are taught of the Lord and continue to be
Prov 13:1.......... the fruit of godly instruction and correction.
Isa 54:13...........Great is their peace and undisturbed composure.
Prov 2:6............ Father, give us counsel and wisdom in bringing up our children.
1Pet 1:14.......... I say they are obedient, not conforming to the things of the flesh,
1Pet 1:15.......... but holy, in all conduct.
1Pet 2:2........... desiring the pure milk of the Word that they may grow thereby.
Jas 1:19............That they are swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.
Heb 13:5.......... Their conduct is without covetousness,
Heb 13:5.......... and they are content with what they have.
Heb 13:16......... They do not forget to do what is right and to share.
2Pet 3:18.......... I pray that they grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord,
1Thes 4:1......... and abound more and more in how they should walk and please You.
1Pet 5:5........... That they submit to their elders, and to one another,
1Pet 5:5........... being clothed with humility.
1Pet 5:7........... That they cast their cares upon You, Father, for You care for them.
Jas 1:22............I thank You that they are doers of the Word, and not hearers only,
Ph'm 1:6...........effectively sharing their faith.
2Tim 1:7 ..........not having a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
2Tim 1:9...........Father, You have saved them and called them with a holy calling,
2Tim 1:9 ..........not according to works, but according to Your own purpose.
2Tim 4:18.........Deliver them from every evil work and preserve them.
John 10:5 ........They will by no means follow strangers, not knowing their voices.
2Tim2:22 .........They abide with others who call on the Lord out of a pure heart,
Jas 3:10 ..........and cursing comes not out of their mouth.
1Jn 5:18 ..........Because Jesus keeps them safe, the wicked one does not touch them.
Ps 91:11..........Give Your angels special charge to accompany, defend, preserve
Ps 4:8.............and provide safety for them, day and night.
1Jn 2:5 ...........Because they keep Your Word, Your love is being perfected in them.
1Jn 2:15 .........They do not love the world or the things in the world,
3Jn 1:11..........and they do not imitate what is evil, but what is good.
1Jn 1:7 ...........They walk in the light as You are in the Light,
Jas 4:8 ...........cleansing their hands and purifying their hearts,
2Tim 2:22 .......They follow after righteousness, faith, love, and peace.
Heb 13:18........They have a good conscience and desire to live honorably,
Prov 3:4 ..........having favor and high esteem with God and man.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Oh Stomach Why
Oh Stomach why do you hate me so. Once again it's three thirty in the morning and I am wide awake with stomach problems. I think the worst thing I could have ever done was get my gull bladder out! I don't think it worked and now I seem to have so many more problems. Ugg... I really would like to just sleep like a normal person! You would think as much as I throw up I would be skinny. Man this day is really not starting off well!! :) I will rejoice in my weakness, along with some grumpin!! :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
So I was downstairs this afternoon doing laundry. I had just taken a load out of the dryer an was putting another one in. The phone rang but by the time I made it upstairs to the kitchen they had hung up. So back down I went. I put fabric softener in the dryer along with the bounce bar and I turned it on. Then I left..........And then I heard a horrible thunk................My stupid cat was in the dryer! He is alive and well and static free. Poor kitty he was my best friend for the rest of the afternoon!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Travels
My mom and dad are amazing people that have always cared so much for others. Well for once they did something for themselves! Teddy and I are so excited for our parents as they enjoy their new toy. They deserve every minute of fun and happiness!!! Happy travels! Don't forget to bring me presents! ;)
Sending Sunshine
My poor father in law is not sure if the sun exists anymore! They live in northern Idaho and have been having rain for weeks. It actually snowed a couple of days ago. My mother in-law says she has webbed feet! Gary asked if they have seen Noah yet!
I thought I would send some sunshine!
I thought I would send some sunshine!
Love My Daddy
Happy Fathers Day to my daddy! I adore my dad who else could I argue with get lectures from and still have a nice date at Starbucks! He also make the best chicken and ribs in the world, and I love that I am his favorite child!!! HA~HA Teddy!!
In all honesty my dad is one of my favorite people in the world, I love and adore you! Glad you liked the cobbler!
Love Me
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Impact Week
This was Impact week for our church. Each year our church has several different outreach events in the community. Today Lilly and Owen and I went to the Summer Blast Party for un-churched kids. What an amazing time being in the community, and talking about Jesus. Lilly and Owen were told ahead of time that they were there to teach Jesus and have loving hearts. At this party there was a bounce house and other activities. As you can imagine Lilly and Owen we super excited for the bounce house. Both the kids has plenty of time in the house and had such a great time. What made my heart swell, was Lilly pulling Owen out of the house for the other kids to have a turn. Lilly and Owen knew this was not a party for them, they knew they was there to serve. It is never to early to teach your kids to serve the Lord. I was so overjoyed that they got it! Now if I could get them to clean their rooms we would be set!
Ahhh Summer
It's no secret I love summer. I love the morning and the nights. I love the smell of the outside on the inside of my house. I love hearing the birds every morning and I love the cool evening air.
My favorite thing of all is spending summer with my babies,I adore my Lilly and Owen. I love spending every minute with them. We pray outside together every morning, we sing songs and read.We even play Starbucks drive up with the dining room window! I adore the people I see God molding our babies into. Gary and I are beyond blessed. I can't imaging living this journey with any other people. I praise God for all that He has given, we could not be more thankful!
My favorite thing of all is spending summer with my babies,I adore my Lilly and Owen. I love spending every minute with them. We pray outside together every morning, we sing songs and read.We even play Starbucks drive up with the dining room window! I adore the people I see God molding our babies into. Gary and I are beyond blessed. I can't imaging living this journey with any other people. I praise God for all that He has given, we could not be more thankful!
Well my day begins at 3:22am today. I have no idea why I am not sleeping, at least it's summer and I know the sun will be up soon. I am sitting in my living room wide awake. I have been tossing and turning since about midnight. My stomach is really grumbling and I think I may just throw up. I wish I knew why my tummy is such a mess!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Yard Work
Well I woke up at around six this morning to spray paint this old swing we have! I know some of you are thinking OH GRAVY she has paint again, but this time I did a pretty good job. I will post pictures later. Right now the kids and I are having our time with God. Ok I have all ready had my time with my Jesus so I am blogging, but the kids are in the yard walking around thanking Him for all the pretty things. Lilly is literally praying over the grass, with conviction! I love it!
Any who I am going to do a bunch of work in my back yard today. Gary is working some HEAVY overtime so I thought I would surprise him. I think he will be impressed!
On another note I do have a green hand for my painter haters!
Blessings Everyone,
Any who I am going to do a bunch of work in my back yard today. Gary is working some HEAVY overtime so I thought I would surprise him. I think he will be impressed!
On another note I do have a green hand for my painter haters!
Blessings Everyone,
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Jesus Love The Little Children of The World
I think it was one of the best trips I have ever taken. My Radiant kids were really comprehending that there are kids who really don't have anything. And we can do something about it! What a beautiful thing to see little guys pray for kids on the other side of the earth. That is a priceless gift and I am blessed to be apart of it!
Go out and Impact your world for Christ!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
My Summer Morning
I had an amazing morning all alone in my favorite summer place. My deck. I love the stillness of the morning, funny because I am such a night person. However there is just something about summer morning's. How is it that people don't believe in Christ? I just don't understand. God's Gracious Majesty is all around and so very evident. Praying this morning for my family and friends, that all be touched by the Grace of God.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Praise God for Summer
We have been at the park all morning and just came home! Now off to play in the pool before going to church tonight!
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