Thursday, June 22, 2017
Conversations with Owen
Owen and I were hanging out and he askes my why I spend hours in the bathtub. First of I don't spend hours in the bathtub....on second thought....I do spend hours in the bathtub. Funny thing is that around 9:30 every night I take a bath. A long hot glorious bath, alone in the quite of my bubbles! In fact right now I'm in the quiet bliss of bubble heaven as I type this. I love reading in the bath, I love texting in the bath, Facebook, blogging, Pinterest, and I even answer work email in the bath! I think I love the bubbles as much as I love trees! It's my thing. I'm pretty sure there will be bubble baths Heaven! So my answer to Owen, I told him I take baths for the same reason I drink coffee. All for your protection!
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Weight Loss Wednesday
I'm starting to lose weight again! I'm down just a few pounds. This is exciting as I'm not taking thyroid medicine and I'm just exercising and eating very healthy. I am however having terrible skin problems again. This is normal thyroid stuff because my hormones are broken. I'm so desperate for a skin remedy as I sit here with a lemon on my face.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Friday Nights
We have kinda started a new family tradition. After Gary gets home on Fridays we have been driving to our favorite little cafe. We have to hurry because it closes at 5p and sometimes we have to settle for Starbucks as we just don't make it in time. We have a sweet time as a family then we do a quick hike and have dinner. Tonight we ate at Rudys, not my favorite at all. But Gary and the kids like it. My dads BBQ is just the best so eating BBQ out is just not right! But I love to sit outside, sip on tea and enjoy the view!
In this picture we are all reading the same story. We NEVER have phones out when at coffee or dinner we actually talk to each other lol! But I really wanted to see their reactions to this story about a bear who was jogging in Garden of the Gods. My husband thinks my picture taking is obnoxious as you can tell by his face!
The kids and I went to the zoo while Gary was working today. Let me just say how thankful I am that my kids are way out of the stroller and diaper stages! I was kinda of chuckling at the moms with babies and toddlers as they were hot and sweaty chasing little guys just trying to get that perfect picture. I just wanted to tell all of them to relax, and just have fun! I really love this stage of life with Lilly and Owen! They are so funny and smart and we just have a great time together!
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Every Home For Christ
I spent the morning with our Operations Team at the Jericho Center. I love to go there and pray, I do it often. I take the kids every year before they head back to school to pray through their school year. Today my heart was very heavy. Heavy for my beautiful friend who is just going through hell. And yes I used that word because it's truth. I believe in God, His timing and trust He is going to do a miracle of healing and give her the desire of her heart. But until then my heart breaks for her and her loss. I don't have the right to question God, why things happen in life. I just have to know and understand He is going to carry her through. Tonight my prayers continue to uplift my sweet friend. As I prayed today, I felt the presence of Jesus with me in that room. I know he was sitting in this chair.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
One Tired Kid
God Walks
I had a quick errand to run so we all took a little walk. I love the conversations we have as a family. Lilly and Owen are growing so fast I truly adore these minutes and could not be more thankful that God made me a mom! Gary and the kids ran into the corner store while I ran my errand, I love this goofy picture!
Weight Loss Wednesday
Well I have been working out like crazy! And after every workout I look in the mirror to see if I'm skinny! With my fun thyroid issues I can see this is going to be a long process but I'm excited and going to do it! God is good and Holy and mighty and He has expectations for my body! I'm loving every workout and trying to love every carbless meal :) And for fun a random picture of my kitty!
Monday, June 12, 2017
Prayerfully Discouraged
There is power when believers come together in the name of Jesus. When we gather in the presence of God and the power of His Spirit is evident we will began to speak in tongues, prophesy and worship and preach the Gospel with a Godly confidence. I love the book of Acts and long for and continue to pray for the Glory of God! Reading a powerful devotion this evening I realize I just don't care what people think of me when I worship the Lord. I have an audience of ONE and know the others singing praise to our Jesus on the same platform feel the same way! I can imagine the joy of Heaven and the glorious sound of Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty. I can't imagine anyone in Heaven not excited by the Glory of God! Anytime I have the privilege to lead worship I'm thankful and honored to join in that choir of angles. Any moment I have the opportunity to sing praises to my Jesus I'm expecting amazing things to happen. And I know, when hearts release all worldly focus and join together in praise He moves miracles every time! I read something today that at first was very discouraging, it basically said worship this weekend was very showy. As someone who is incredibly passionate about going to the Throne Room each and every moment we praise God, I must admit I was a little offended and was offended for my fellow teammates. I know our prayers for our worshippers and have seen the visions that God has given me and know that His Glory will fall and we all get to be apart of that moment. While reading and praying this evening, God laid it very clearly on my heart that whoever made those comments dose not know. This person does not know our Savior that we worship and sing praise too. They don't know the maker of the stars, the maker of grass, dirt, rain and the sky. They don't know our, healer, redeemer, Abba. They don't know our God who humbled himself and lived as a sinless man who suffered on the cross for our salvation, the giver of living water and eternal life. They don't know the maker and giver of LOVE. Tonight I pray for this person, and defend this person and have a softened heart for this person. This person walked into a very passionate community and saw lights, fog, and talent and made a quick judgment. And this evening I can see how they came to this conclusion. But what this person did not see was the God behind the Glory, Who was very present. I pray tonight for this man or woman, for our paths to cross and the flame of passion to fan like a rushing wind guided by our Holy Spirit! I'm so thankful for this reminder that not everyone is understanding of a relationship with Jesus and our passion to give praise to Him, I'm thankful that tonight I'm called to be His hands and feet.
Worshipping for an audience of One!
Friday, June 9, 2017
Thursday, June 8, 2017
I have NEVER seen an owl before! With the exception of the zoo. These two were just hanging out at Target!
Lilly is a true lover of animals. She loves to care for them and is not squeamish when it comes to caring for sick or injured animals. On our porch this evening was this sweet bird inside one of our lanterns. It's not afraid of us and in this picture she was sleeping. It's just not normal for a bird to let us get this close and I pray that by morning she has flown away.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Lilly and Owen are taking some classes this summer. Lilly is a very talented artist and taking an art class and Owen is continuing with his favorite thing ever. Love watching these two grow!
Monday, June 5, 2017
Owen is not afraid of anything! It's scary for his momma. But chicks dig scars, so I guess it's okay....
Even in the Burbs
I'm so thankful for my job. I love what I do and the people I work with so much! This summer is already turning out to be a huge blessing. I can pretty much go into work really early and leave in the early afternoon. My kiddos sleep in have chores and by the time they are done I'm home! After a day of working there is nothing like a sweet hike with my growing very fast little people. Even in the burbs there is a trail and a creek! Muddy feet, summer memories. I love summer!
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Date With Owen
Owen loves the sound booth at church. I was running computers this weekend so he sat with me the whole time! He and I also stopped at the store as his allowance was burning a hole in his pocket.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Hey Thyroid
It's amazing how a tiny butterfly shaped thing at the front of my neck can cause so much havoc in my body. I'm telling you my body temperature is out of control! I spend more time in hot baths because I'm so freezing cold and then the next minute I'm in a window begging for air because I feel like the walls are closing in on me. My skin is also out of control. I'm ether super dry or I break out. So tonight I tried a mask made of raw organic honey, lemon juice, cinnamon and nutmeg. My skin feels great, so I'm praying that it works!
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Spring Break
I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.
I am not a fan of pictures of me. I am very uncomfortable facing the reality of what I look like. I have been on this weight loss journey fo...
For those of you that don't know me let me just introduce myself. Hi my name is Jen and I hate winter.
Voting as Christians Gary and I strongly believe it is our duty being dual citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven as well as The United State of...