Embarrassing moments never seem far from me. I have had several in fact so many I could not possibly list them all. I would like to think these little mishaps are just part of my charm..
Yesterday I battled a horrible headache I was really tired and in all honesty my head really hurt. It was the kind of headache that was in my eyes, jaw and the top of my head. I battled this thing all day and was looking forward to going home, taking a bath and just getting into bed. Well.....that was a nice dream considering my wonderful husband and his big heart had some guy from his office over and they were trying to fix his car. The car is a mess and in fact this very moment is still sitting all apart in my drive way. This poor guy needed help and so Gary is always willing to lend his mechanical hand. Because this guy had no way to get to work Gary said he could just stay with us for dinner and they could go to work later that night. Imagine how thrilled I was to have a headache and company. God did show me much grace in the fact I had a spotless house and a roast in the crockpot, so I took that as a small victory and rejoiced in my weakness. I put a smile on my face and served dinner like a good wife did dishes and made lunches for both my children, myself, my husband and our guest considering this poor guy could not even get home for a nap before enduring graveyard engineering. After dinner and cleaning up I got the kiddos all cleaned up, changed into jammies we read our story and prayed and they were off to dreamland. In my mind I was counting down to that moment I could change myself and sink into the warm bath and finally lay my head on my pillow. However this dream was once again short lived with company in our home. I went back downstairs and made brownies for our guest and chatted for what seemed like eternity before the guys left for work. Finally I kissed my husband goodbye did a little happy dance while setting the alarm and made my way upstairs to sink into the bath and finally go to sleep.
Making it upstairs is always a chore for me because I find fifty things to do on the way up. By the time I got upstairs it was dang near 10:30 and I settled for a nice face wash and two Tylenol PM's. Finally I was in my jammies all warm and settled into my soft warm bed........................................
AND THEN. Like a mad woman my heart jumps out of my chest! I had just fallen asleep when the motion detectors went off and I heard someone in my house. I am alone at night with the kids and I was in a panic. There was pounding and banging and I was definitely scared. Somewhere in this fog I managed to call 911 while getting into the gun safe praying I remember the combination. I managed to do all this getting the gun, talking to the 911 operator and making sure my kids are safe in bed. Then I look outside and there are police men at my house. I tell this in a panic whisper to the 911 operator and she calmly says Mrs. Haynes your alarm has been going off for over forty minutes and they are there to make sure you are okay. OH MY GOSH are you kidding me? So I stick the gun on my tall mirror, grab my robe, and rush downstairs to turn off the alarm and talk to the lovely police men who I am sure thought I was on drugs when it was just Tylenol PM.
These wonderful police men showed me much grace as I tried to calm down and breath explain that I had a horrible headache and took Tylenol PM all this while they looked all over my home to make sure no one was in the house...Again thank you Jesus my house was spotless! We could not figure out how on earth the stupid motion detectors went off it was really strange. These officers were fantastic even making a joke that they really do respond to home alarms going off. They told me if I needed anything else to just give then a call and they would be back. After calling Gary at work and my parents I figured I would try the bed thing again. And then I heard a little meow. I wanted to die at that moment because I remembered with the headache, and the guest and trying to be a good wife I forgot to put the cat away and he set off the alarm.
At this point it was near 3:30 am I had a little over two hours to sleep. Needless to say I was a little embarrassed and extremely tired. I am however thankful for the wonderful police men who managed to make me smile in the midst of one of my charming moments.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Making Costumes
We love to make our costumes in the Haynes House. There is something really special doing a craft with the kids! This year we will have a Cabbage Patch Doll and Jase from Duck Dynasty! These are my favorite moments when we are doing stuff like this, these are memories!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
The Best Day!
I adore my husband and kids! I adore making memories with them. We are so blessed to have this time together
We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day of hiking! We hiked and walked and had pinecone fights in the forest and hiked and walked some more.
God is so good!
Hipster Talk
The young ladies in my office are very hipster. I however had to look up what a hipster even was! I have learned I am super uncool.. However I found that even I have a little hipster in me!
Mason Jars!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Bad Dogs
Bradley has learned to open the back door. I came up from the basement and found these two looking at me.
I do love them, took their picture and sent them back to their dog house!
Owen My Trooper!
Poor Owen had to have some dental surgery yesterday. It was a big one. They gave him a sedation medicine and the appt was like two hours long. I hate seeing my kids out cold and having people all over them. He was a trooper and today was back to himself!
I was able to take the last two days off and today the kids are out on a special date with my parents. I am home all alone and going to clean like its spring!!!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
I'm Off!
I can't believe I'm doing this but I have got to go to bed. I can't stay awake to watch the rest of the Bronco Game. BUT in my defense I have been ill any I tell you I had no voice, and major headache today leading worship. I am all horse and my ears hurt now, So better get some sleep to be ready for a long day of meetings tomorrow.
And just because my Broncos are behind now, I am sure the morning will bring good game winning news!!
Maybe....Considering Luck just made a TD, I may be in morning tomorrow! :(
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Perfect Day
Today was beautiful! In fact it was so amazing my dad BBQ! He makes the best chicken and ribs hands down!
Thanks parents for a wonderful afternoon!! We are going to finish our day by going to church! BBQ and worship nothing could be better!
There is a little boy who has stolen my heart!
Owen and I were awake at the crack of dawn this morning so I decided to take him on a little date! We enjoyed coffee and a bagel together! I just can't explaine how much I adore my little moments with my babies.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Oh [{#^*]% I Mean Snow
This is what I woke up to this morning, more snow! Oh how I am longing for my summer nights of walking and just enjoying the view of the mountains. Meh this is just the beginning too...
The kids did make a super cute little snow people!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
It's Snowing and it's only October 15
For those of you that don't know me let me just introduce myself.
Hi my name is Jen and I hate winter.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Despite Feeling a Little Under The Weather
Today was a great day! I am still not feeling well but I could not muster sitting around again. The kids started their fall break today and I was off due to it being Columbus Day. When the kids and I are off together we have a tradition of going to Fargos Pizza, Lilly never lets me forget this so off to lunch we went! Then we wondered around Target, really just to grab some apples, caramel and chocolate for our next adventure.
When we returned home Lilly and I made my famous enchiladas. My dad has been asking me to make them for months. They were really good tonight with, peppers, onions and salsa. Yum... I took a picture of Garys with all the junk on it! They were a little hot for me wich was good since I can't breath!
I have been promising Lilly we would make caramel apples since last week and today I gave in:)! This seems like it would be an easy adventure but to my surprise it wasn't! We looked all over target for the wrapped caramel pieces and could not find any so we had to use the dip. I just heated it up like normal and it worked fine. Lilly thought the apples needed some chocolate so we got some kisses and melted them down. In my Pinterest world they looked perfectly lathered in caramel and nicely drizzled with chocolate. Well.....in all reality the chocolate did not melt down enough to drizzle. So we just clumped it on the butt as Owen would call it!
All in all today was a great day. I love these days when it's just me and my babies. They are growing so fast and I want to freeze frame these memories in my mind forever. Now I am going to give in to some cold medicine and hopefully get a good night sleep.
I truly pray for all my family and friends and hope that each one of you are enjoying fall and your families!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Well Yuck
Owen and I are sick. We have a pretty bad cold. The chills, snotty nose and cough the whole yuck of the nine yards. I hate being sick, this means no church and we really hate missing church!
Owen has spent his morning in his jammies writing on his white board and reading stories. I am lounging on the couch pinning on Pinterest and looking at my cold feet but I am to sick to go get my socks!! And then there is Gary and Lilly who have given into fall and are putting all the lawn decor away for next summer.
On a good note my house is spotless!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Great Day!
I love my new job! I am able to have a life. One advantage of this position I can pretty much take time off when I want. Of course there are exceptions to this rule but basically I am on my own and I get to take leave when I want it.
I took today off to volunteer at the kids school in the morning and then I was off to do some Christmas shopping with my mom! It was a great day!!! I love hanging out with my mom! We did get sidetracked at Kirkland's and bought ourselves a canister set and some candles. For the most part we stayed focused and found some great things for the kiddos! Best part of the day is I got all the kids their Christmas Eve slippers and I was not out looking for them on Dec 23 in the freezing cold! Score one for Santajen!
There is nothing that brings me greater joy than waking my family up! This has been an accepted challenge since I was in high school and the last couple if years it has become even more of a challenge.
I typically am early to bed kind if girl. And my brother and father find great joy in calling me at like 10:00pm knowing I am well into dream land. As much as I hate to admit this Teddy is the master of Wake E Wake E!
Because of his job the kid is all over the world, or locked away for days doing military exercises so he has a huge advantage. He will call me so randomly at all hours if the night and early morning. However I cought him in a weak moment, a moment when he was actually enjoying slumber... When he answered the phone groggy my heart jumped out of my chest as I laughed so hard! It was a great moment! There may have been some funny unholy game language exchanged but it's all in good fun!
Just wait till Christmas Teddy....
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Guess What We Got Today?
My children crack me up with what I find on my camera! Apparently they did a photo shoot with the pumpkins!!
Garden Time Is Over
We picked the last if the corn in our garden. So sad but we have tons of plains for next year!
Lilly and I really want two chickens! At work we do a huge United Way campaign, during the campaign each department does a basket for our battle of the baskets. These baskets are insane! And some of them have been worth thousands of dollars! One this year is a chicken coop, all kinds of organic growing books, live chickens and half an organic cow!! I want to win this so bad!!
This Kid
Time please stop! This kid has grown up so fast in the last couple of months! Owen has a heart that is golden he loves to love and learn. He has learned so much in just the first couple of months in school. I love to hear about his day and the stories of his friends. Owen was so excited to go on his very first field trip to the pumpkin patch. Unfortunately it was canceled because of the weather, however they reschedule for next week. I love the excitement that he has about going on the school bus! I wish time would rewind I miss my little babies, but I am so enjoying watching them grow!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Ever feel alone in a crowded room? I felt that way tonight. Strange really? I am not sure why but I did. Gary was running security and I went to church by myself, something I have done a hundred times. But tonight I was just uncomfortable. Needless to say I was happy to come home to my little house with my little family and put my jammies on!
My Battle
I have a problem, and I make my family suffer... It's something I have been working on for many years but it seems to get worse every year.
I can't let go of summer. The heat can not come on.
I'm working on it.
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Spring Break
I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.
I am not a fan of pictures of me. I am very uncomfortable facing the reality of what I look like. I have been on this weight loss journey fo...
For those of you that don't know me let me just introduce myself. Hi my name is Jen and I hate winter.
Voting as Christians Gary and I strongly believe it is our duty being dual citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven as well as The United State of...