Sunday, February 20, 2011
Owen's Corner
Owen is such a sweet little man he really is one of the nicest kids I know. He love to cuddle and he says I love you mommy several time a day, even when he is not in trouble! Any who he has just figured out he is three and is testing everything we say. Even when he is in trouble in time out he is so stinking funny!! He was singing I love my corner!!!
Lilly's Imagination
Lilly has an amazing imagination. Sometime I wonder what on earth she is watching. But I think it's what we are reading Ha-Ha!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
You know how when you are sick there is nothing that sound good to eat, but that one thing. Well in my world it sherbet I love sherbet all kinds especially raspberry, lime and the oh so very hard to find lemon. When I was a little girl growing up my parents and grandparents would often frequent the offices club for Sunday brunch. Besides the best SOS around I would always look forward to the sherbet at the end. Funny how certain things bring back memories.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sick Kiddo's
Lilly and Owen are really sick. I just hate when the kids are sick, we feel so helpless not to mention sleepless. Owen wants to be held and poor Lilly wants to just sit in the bath. Makes me so sad for them, we are in prayer for a quick return to health. On another note they are pretty stinking cute cuddling together!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Our Local Celebrity
Lilly was student of the day today and to make it even better she and her classmates are going to be on the news! The weather team came out today to talk all about crazy Colorado weather. The kids also got a really cool book about all the different kinds of clouds and the weather team even made a few clouds for the kids! I will try and pull the clip off of the news web-site and post after it airs!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Anise Meeeee??
Every year about this same time I start to get a little ansie. I know that spring and summer are coming and I am ready! Although we are so blessed to have Colorado swinters I love my Colorado summers, I just can't wait to have my yard put together and dinner on the deck! It's coming I can feel it!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I Love People,BUT!
Ok I knew it was coming, and it was my own fault! I waited until the last minute to get some Valentine things for the kids and for Lilly's class. I had to do it I had been dreading it all day, I had to go to the store. The store I chose during prime time shopping for everyone else in town, was Target. I knew this was going to be a struggle, I was pumping myself up in the parking lot, I was praying and I reminded myself to focus. I told myself God will not give me anything I could not handle and I could make through prime time shopping at Target!! I went in and I saw all the people, I thought on my gosh where do they all come from. But I refocused and made to the Valentine isle. I thought the store was crowed but no, all the people were in the three isles of barley there valentines! I put on a fake and worried smile and jumped in scouring the shelves and praying there would be two small boxes of candy for my kids, and Lilly's class. I made it grabbed the last princess and cars box of candy and headed to the checkout. I made to check out and saw lines, lines everywhere! I started to panic again and I felt overwhelmed when I finally calmed down I thought again I can do this. I found an express line, checked out and ran YES ran out of the store with my prizes, I was claiming Victory I was so proud I made through Sunday prime time shopping......And when I made it home I was so excited to share my victory with Gary....He smiled and said yes Jen you did good, but where is the coffee? Lets just say we will both be making a stop at Starbucks in the morning!
Playing Hookie!
Gary and I decides every three to four months we are going to play hookie from church and just have a family day! I think we really needed some family fun. The original idea for this weekend was to head to Breckenridge however , the plain changed somewhere around Thursday! We had a really nice time just being with each other, starting with swimming Saturday night, and then Sunday we went to see Tangled and had lunch at Fargos! Right now I am sitting and going to start reading a new book, while the kids and Gary are outside enjoying the weather! Ahhhhh God is so good!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Another Snow Day!!
YAY for snow days! Lilly and Owen have been happily playing downstairs so I am going to take this opportunity and re-arrange my kitchen! I hope I am not sorry that I am starting this project! :)
Superbowl and Gary's new friend!
Ok I was so busy running my mouth that I did not take any good pictures, so I apologize. We went to Pastor Jamie and Jen's along with Pastor Scott and Ruth, for the super bowl. We had a really good time, I know Lilly had a good time because Ryliey and Jayden were there, and Lilly's big sister Emma, and her sweet little friend Hannah. Owen had lots of fun with Josh and Evan, playing cars and I toy guns! I don't think I watched a minute of the game because I spent the evening talking with Jen and Ruthie. Gary had a great time just hanging out with Pastor Jamie and Pastor Scott and his new friend baby Juda!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Revisiting Break Free
Gary and I had such an amazing spiritual experience during the Break Free series, that I try to keep everything I learned fresh. I keep some of my favorite lesson's tucked in my bible so I can revisit them often. Today I came across Lesson 8 which was all about Rejection and Insecurity. I know that I am not the only one who worries about what people think. From the way I live my life, sing, work, even what purse I carry :). Breaking down my pride has always been a little struggle for me, because in the back of my mind I want to please the "people". I don't want to disappoint anyone from my family, friends, co-worker and church. I like being dependable and trustworthy. Funny how these good things can take on an ugly personality, such as fitting in with the in crowd. Even as adults we struggle to find acceptance. I am accepted through Christ, He has done the work for me. I need no other acceptance but in Him.
I made this commitment once and I intend to stick by it!
I commit to reject the lies that my performance peoples opinion of me, or my possessions justify my existence. I have and will continue to devote myself to the truth that in Christ I am justified and accepted. I am committed to the truth that I am valuable and significant because I have been made in the image of God and redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ!
Break Free was so powerful and freeing. Gary and I changed so many things about the way we live and have found freedom in the Lord Jesus. I believe that break free is still on the pod cast at the Radiant Church website. If anyone would like a break free workbook I would be more than happy to get one for you!
I made this commitment once and I intend to stick by it!
I commit to reject the lies that my performance peoples opinion of me, or my possessions justify my existence. I have and will continue to devote myself to the truth that in Christ I am justified and accepted. I am committed to the truth that I am valuable and significant because I have been made in the image of God and redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ!
Break Free was so powerful and freeing. Gary and I changed so many things about the way we live and have found freedom in the Lord Jesus. I believe that break free is still on the pod cast at the Radiant Church website. If anyone would like a break free workbook I would be more than happy to get one for you!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
I teach the little kids on Wednesday nights and they give me such a chuckle. They are such a blessing and I really enjoy them. Tonight one of my little friends 3 year old Cooper, who by the way is just a sweet kid. He is so good, I have never had any problems with Cooper ever. Tonight was the normal night we usually let the kiddos play, we have a lesson and worship followed by snack and a movie. Tonight during the movie Coop kind of got upset he started crying and said his nose hurt. This is sooooo not normal for him, I thought just to be on the safe side I would go and get his mom who is a really good friend of mine. By the time Coopers mom made it back to the class he was still upset, she went ahead and took him gathered the rest of the family and they went home. After about fifteen minutes I get this call from Coopers mom asking if the kids played with some small balls. Seems that Coop put something in his nose!! I about had a heart attack. They had to take Cooper to the ER and remove this small ball from his nose. Oh I could die this happened on my watch. Thankfully Cooper is fine and his parents still like me, and Pastor Jamie is not going to fire me!!! Today and way!!!!! HA~HA!!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
-18 = Snowday!
Well it was an official snow day, and it's not the snow or lack of snow that is so bad. We have bitter cold temperatures outside. The temp is -5 with windchill of -18! Our furnace is working overtime I have the heat on 70 and the thermostat is saying 62, can I just say burrrrrrr.... No worries I have two little people to cuddle with and my dad braved the cold and showed up at my front door with Starbucks. Poor Gary is at work, he is such a good man,I am going to make him some chili to warm him up when he makes it home. Take a look at the wind blowing snow off Pikes Peak!
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Spring Break
I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.
I am not a fan of pictures of me. I am very uncomfortable facing the reality of what I look like. I have been on this weight loss journey fo...
For those of you that don't know me let me just introduce myself. Hi my name is Jen and I hate winter.
Voting as Christians Gary and I strongly believe it is our duty being dual citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven as well as The United State of...