Saturday, January 29, 2011
Happy Birthday Matt!
Gary and I miss Matt so much. Such a blessing to have known him. We love to talk about Matt, and the Lord knows there are many stories! Tomorrow we will do our annual lunch at Matt's favorite restaurant and I WILL have mashed potatoes in his honor! Gary and I find great comfort in knowing Matt loved the Lord and is busy telling Jesus many many many stories!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Owen and Evan!
Owen and I had such a great morning! We got to spend time with our friends Jen and Evan. Owen has lots of little girlfriends thanks to his big sister so it was really nice for him to play with Evan. We are such a blessed little family to have such fantastic family and friends in our lives!
My Pook!
Ever just realize how blessed you are to have a wonderful spouse? I love my husband, he is an amazing man of God. Gary wakes up at 5:45 every day of the week with no complaints of the morning darkness. He gets not only his things together he helps me get the kids stuff ready for morning while I make breakfast. He never complains about all the work he does at work or home. Saturday being his only real day off is often spent fixing things around the house or even someone elses home or car. Sunday comes along and he is a faithful servant of God. He serves on the security team at our church. Gary is a person who never forgets me and never seems to forget to make me feel special, even if I am complaining about the morning darkness! I could not in a million years ask for a better father for our little people. The kids adore their daddy and he adores them. I love the faithfulness he has for the Lord and I love to hear my Pook pray and teach the kids all about our God.
The past couple of weeks we have been fasting some of our entertainment, and STARBUCKS to spend time with the Lord, and each other. I know that the Lord has been speaking to me and teaching me. I have undoubtedly enjoyed this time Gary and I have been spending together praying and studying Gods word! I can't imagine spending a life with a man who was not passionate about the Lord. For this I am so very blessed and grateful!
The past couple of weeks we have been fasting some of our entertainment, and STARBUCKS to spend time with the Lord, and each other. I know that the Lord has been speaking to me and teaching me. I have undoubtedly enjoyed this time Gary and I have been spending together praying and studying Gods word! I can't imagine spending a life with a man who was not passionate about the Lord. For this I am so very blessed and grateful!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Snapshot. What a fantastic gift!
Gary's dad sent us a book he has been putting together about his childhood and life up until now. This is such a great idea for all of us and something we can pass on to the kids and the kids, kids. WOW I can't believe I just said that! Just thinking of my kiddos grown up makes my tummy hurt! So now I think our whole family should write one! I would love to have a book from everyone. Hint hint!! This would be a great Christmas present, hint hint!! With pictures hint, hint!! :)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
My Bible
This is just proof that The Lord loves pink as much as I do! This is my pretty bible that my parents gave me for Christmas! I adore it! Pink tabs and all! Some people have red letter bibles I have a self made pink letter bible!
My Loves
Even though they were backing away from me I love them! I was trying to get them in the car this morning to go to church and they were ornery!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
It's Official
It's official, I was helping Lilly do her homework tonight and she has officially surpassed my intelligence! The last question on her home-work was, trace the symmetry shown on each shape. Our conversation went something like this: Keep in mind this was after she counted and added money, counted by fives and then by tens, and wrote out several number sentences!
Me what the heck is symmetry?
Lilly it's two equal sides.
Me Oh
Lilly it's OK mommy, I just could not read that word.
Me it's OK Lilly I did not know what that word meant!!! :) HA~HA!!
This is a picture of Lilly's 100% on her math test!! She is in Kindergarten!
Me what the heck is symmetry?
Lilly it's two equal sides.
Me Oh
Lilly it's OK mommy, I just could not read that word.
Me it's OK Lilly I did not know what that word meant!!! :) HA~HA!!
This is a picture of Lilly's 100% on her math test!! She is in Kindergarten!
Rollerskating in the garage!
Our kiddos love to skate. We were supposed to have gone to the rink this Saturday but that trip was sided by an emergency room visit! Lilly spilt her finger open! No worries she is good and back to normal! Owen loves to be on skates or his bike, he likes anything that moves!
He is seeking us!
I remember the first time I ever really comprehended John 4:23. I was really struggling to find where I fit in at church. I thought that passionate corporate worship was something that was only on TV churches. I desired to really worship God not by someone else's expectation but the way my heart felt necessary. Something happens in my soul when I worship my Savior there is a feeling that I can never get enough of. A thirst that can't be quenched, a fire has been lit and nothing can put it out. I weep for those who have never experienced worshiping God in spirit. I love those moments when I am worshiping alone and He speaks to me. I long for Sunday morning when I can sing to my Jesus, with my husband and friends. I want so badly for my family and friends to get what I have found in the freedom of worshiping the One and Only! God is seeking us as we seek him, that is so overwhelmingly powerful. It's time to get down on our knees and not just seek but find Him, let us be undone and carried away in Him!
I remember when not very long ago the spirit took over our 11:00am service. His presence was so indescribable that day. I long for that to happen again and again. And for those that were not there that day; to experience every breath, I and everyone else took that day!
I pray that when I fall into my Fathers arms I am exhausted, that I used every bit of energy and talent for Him and Him alone.
I remember when not very long ago the spirit took over our 11:00am service. His presence was so indescribable that day. I long for that to happen again and again. And for those that were not there that day; to experience every breath, I and everyone else took that day!
I pray that when I fall into my Fathers arms I am exhausted, that I used every bit of energy and talent for Him and Him alone.
Monday, January 17, 2011
21Day Study of John
John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Our whole church is doing a 21 day study of John. Our family is reading The Book of John every night for 21 days. We are also concentrating on verse memorization. Believe it or not Owen is amazing at remembering his bible verses so I am really excited for these next several days to study as a family and church. Please feel free to join us and visit our church blog at
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Our whole church is doing a 21 day study of John. Our family is reading The Book of John every night for 21 days. We are also concentrating on verse memorization. Believe it or not Owen is amazing at remembering his bible verses so I am really excited for these next several days to study as a family and church. Please feel free to join us and visit our church blog at
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Lilly and I have a date!
Lilly and I have saved the date! April 11, 2011 a Real Royal Wedding! Lilly and I love Prince William and Kate and we are so excited for the wedding this April. She and I spent two hours this weekend watching all the royal weddings on TLC. Lilly said that's a real princess just like Cinderella!
Owen's bad night.
Gary and I think Owen is having some growing pains. He has been having trouble sleeping. Last night he wanted me to stay with him. This is totally not normal for him he likes to go to sleep. I stayed with him for a few, that is what I intended anyway! This is how Gary found me at 10:30 last night. He said I wondered what happened to you!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
"Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises!" (Psalm 47:6 NLT)
“But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love.
For you have been my refuge,
a place of safety when I am in distress.
O my Strength, to you I sing praises,
for you, O God, are my refuge,
the God who shows me unfailing love.” (Psalm 59:16-17 NLT)
“Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth!
Sing about the glory of his name!
Tell the world how glorious he is.
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
Your enemies cringe before your mighty power.
Everything on earth will worship you;
they will sing your praises,
shouting your name in glorious songs.” (Psalm 66:1-4 NLT)
“But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love.
For you have been my refuge,
a place of safety when I am in distress.
O my Strength, to you I sing praises,
for you, O God, are my refuge,
the God who shows me unfailing love.” (Psalm 59:16-17 NLT)
“Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth!
Sing about the glory of his name!
Tell the world how glorious he is.
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
Your enemies cringe before your mighty power.
Everything on earth will worship you;
they will sing your praises,
shouting your name in glorious songs.” (Psalm 66:1-4 NLT)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Vision 2011
I have to say we love our church family! These people are serious about God and it shows the moment you walk through the doors! Our church is really growing in fact starting February 5, 2011 we will be introducing a Saturday night service in addition to the three services that are available Sunday morning. This year we are going to impact our world. Passionate followers of Jesus don't just sit in the pew. It's our job to share good news and freedom we have come to know! I am praying that everyone find a church home and involve yourself in a ministry. Church is not the same if you are a pew potato, church is a family and families have to work and minister together! Find a place to worship and enjoy real freedom!
So thankful for the 2011 vision introduced by Pastor Todd and Kelly today. We are going to continue to pray for the pastors, staff and leadership in our church. Prayerfully consider joining us if you have no church home! Gary and I would love to show you around!
So thankful for the 2011 vision introduced by Pastor Todd and Kelly today. We are going to continue to pray for the pastors, staff and leadership in our church. Prayerfully consider joining us if you have no church home! Gary and I would love to show you around!
Make Room for GOD!
Gary and I went through a program called "Break Free" about two years ago. This program transformed our lives. We learned so much about our selves and God changed us. We made some BIG changes to make room for our family to grow in Christ.
Here are some of the changes we made, not all happened at once it was gradual. Each change gave our family and person more time with God.
1) Limited TV and we cut WAY back on cable. We have a very basic service that gives us just a few channels.
2) Family Prayer, not just at the dinner table. Families need to pray together and talk with no distractions. We pray all the time together and it's a huge part of out family. Lilly won't go to school in the morning with out our morning prayer in the car.
3) Limited Activities. Ever feel like you live in your car going from place to place, activity to activity. We limited our activities.
4) Facebook is gone. This was mine I am super nosey, just ask my friend Sarah! I wasted so much time on that stupid page it is unreal. When I got rid of it my Facebook time became all Gods!
5)Personal Devotion. Both Gary and I are pretty adamant about our devotion time. I like to read the bible and pray at night Gary is a sicko morning person, that is just not right.
All these things have transformed how we live.
This next month we are starting a new series called "Soul Space" all about making room for God. I know there is more that I can get rid of in my life to make more room for God. Small simple changes for the One Who gave me everything!
Here are some of the changes we made, not all happened at once it was gradual. Each change gave our family and person more time with God.
1) Limited TV and we cut WAY back on cable. We have a very basic service that gives us just a few channels.
2) Family Prayer, not just at the dinner table. Families need to pray together and talk with no distractions. We pray all the time together and it's a huge part of out family. Lilly won't go to school in the morning with out our morning prayer in the car.
3) Limited Activities. Ever feel like you live in your car going from place to place, activity to activity. We limited our activities.
4) Facebook is gone. This was mine I am super nosey, just ask my friend Sarah! I wasted so much time on that stupid page it is unreal. When I got rid of it my Facebook time became all Gods!
5)Personal Devotion. Both Gary and I are pretty adamant about our devotion time. I like to read the bible and pray at night Gary is a sicko morning person, that is just not right.
All these things have transformed how we live.
This next month we are starting a new series called "Soul Space" all about making room for God. I know there is more that I can get rid of in my life to make more room for God. Small simple changes for the One Who gave me everything!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Full Swing
Well we are back to normal, at least for us! Work, School and Church is all in full swing this week. I am glad to get back to a routine but always feel sad after all the Holidays are over. I kind of like the chaos. Last month flew by. My favorite memory of Christmas this year was Christmas Eve. Owen was sitting on my lap, Lilly was in the middle of Gary and I and we were listening to the story of Christ' birth in our beautiful Church lit up by several trees and a simple Nativity. This was the most amazing and spiritual moment I have had with my family! I will definitely cherish and look forward to that service every year.
Now to start a new year. I love calenders and planners. Today I am using all different color pens to start planning and writing events on our new schedule. I know I am a BIG NERD but little pretty things make me really happy. Speaking of pretty things I will have to take a picture of my new bible! It's the most beautiful Bible I have ever seen, it's PINK and Silver just proof that God loves pink as much as I do.
Gary and I have decided to just let the Lord lead us this year so we have no resolution. We just want to love our kids and do right by God. We do have a new saying and that is to Live Simply. Praying that every one finds the simple in life again!
Now to start a new year. I love calenders and planners. Today I am using all different color pens to start planning and writing events on our new schedule. I know I am a BIG NERD but little pretty things make me really happy. Speaking of pretty things I will have to take a picture of my new bible! It's the most beautiful Bible I have ever seen, it's PINK and Silver just proof that God loves pink as much as I do.
Gary and I have decided to just let the Lord lead us this year so we have no resolution. We just want to love our kids and do right by God. We do have a new saying and that is to Live Simply. Praying that every one finds the simple in life again!
Yesterday Lilly had me rolling on the floor laughing I hope me writing this will be as funny as it was yesterday! Any who I was trying to call this company to come and pick up some items we had for donation. After several tries the phone was always busy. I said to my pretty little girl the line was busy I can't get them to pick up. Lilly looked at me with a straight face and said...(You have to imagine a 5 year old little girl using her best operator voice) She said " For only $.95 Quest will keep trying and call you with a special ring when the line is free. I about fell over laughing. She said that's what i do when Grampy's phone is busy, I just push the number 3. Now to back up about 4 moths I fought with Quest about these charges. No one in our home uses this service, and they reimbursed the fees, looks like I will be calling Quest to confess. And the special ring is funny too, because Lilly calls my folks every night from bed to get a story. Every once in a while we will hear the phone make a weird noise and we thought she just pushed a wrong button. We now know it was that darn number 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011
Thanks SO Much
I have no idea where my family and friends got the idea that I love Starbucks :) ..................... But somewhere along the way I have been figured out! Is it because I talk a mile a minute, or percolate, or is it because I introduce Gary as my coffee mate HA HA!!! I am so VERY VERY Thankful to all my family that gave me gift cards to My FAVORITE place.......Drum Roll.......Starbucks! Mom and Dad, Lee and Karen, Teddy and Steph, and Pook, Lilly and Owen, you all are amazing and I am so thankful. Now lets do coffee!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
HUGE Surprise Birthday Present! I wonder how much I would get if I returned him to Germany! HA~HA!!
My Baby Brother!! Total surprise, he has a TDY this week here. The other gentleman is his 1st Sgt Chris, he is a super nice guy totally a pleasure to have had visit! God is so good I have really missed my little brother, this was a huge blessing!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Goodbye 2010
Well it's over and a new year has begun. Praise God, for a new fresh start to a new year! 2010 had many blessings. We took a beautiful trip to Cocoa Beach and Disney World, Lilly started school, Owen has made many little friends and remains the sweetest little man ever! Gary and I are both very thankful for our employment. We have amazing family and friends and the best place to worship ever! God is so good so keeping with our tradition of starting off the New Year with The Lord, I pray blessing and health for all!
New Years Eve
We are just not party people. Both Gary and I enjoy staying home with the kids more than anything else. We had as nice dinner at home and played several games of candy land all in which Lilly cheated and won. Owen is learning to cheat just like his big sister! So fun to see them scheme together! All four of us made it to midnight and tried to see the fire works on Pikes Peak. We could not see them well at all this year, however there was a nice display from a neighbors house!
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Spring Break
I’m morning Spring Break... We had such a great time from movies to Denver and Salida. Thankful summer is right around the bend.
I am not a fan of pictures of me. I am very uncomfortable facing the reality of what I look like. I have been on this weight loss journey fo...
For those of you that don't know me let me just introduce myself. Hi my name is Jen and I hate winter.
Voting as Christians Gary and I strongly believe it is our duty being dual citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven as well as The United State of...